Group stories : Forum : Ouran High School Host Club ch..

Re: Ouran High School Host Club character information

12 Years Ago

"What a jerk!" Satoshi exclaimed irritably, marching up to her room and kicking open the door. She flew into her bed and hid herself under the covers, enjoying the claustrophobic feeling of the large comforter around her. Her phone suddenly rang, digging into her sock, she pulled it out and saw it was only her mom. She ignored the call by shoving her phone under her pillow. Throwing the sheets off, she went to bathe. She grabbed a towel and headed for the shower. She opened the door only to come across a shirtless Minho who plainly looked at her and replied "Yo."
"AAAAAHHHHHHH!" Satoshi screeched, slamming the door shut and running out, back to her room and back under the covers trembling. Her face was heated red and her vision blurred as she tried getting the thought of Minho's amazing body out of her head.
Wait....amazing? Satoshi thought dreadfully. she stuffed her face in her pillow and screamed in it. 
~ * ~
The next day after school, Satoshi did her duties of ensuring the crowd of frantic fan girls remained where they were, her metal bat ready. Minho coolly sat near the window, enjoying the spring breeze. Satoshi returned to focusing on the girls. One managed to slip out till she brought down her bat and nearly slammed it on the girls head but purposely missed, leaving a crater in the ground. 
"you move out of line and I'll break your fingers." Satoshi threatened, the girls remaining where they were. 
"Well done pip-squeak." Minho said, arriving over. Satoshi tensed, her face heating up again. 
"Th-thanks...." Satoshi replied, avoiding eye contact. The girls in the back bustling, saying thing like "" or "Just like the drama's." 
Satoshi gave them all a death glare making them silent. Minho raised an eyebrow and said "i called ya short, chibi, pip-squeak, dwarf, your not gonna say anything?" 
"N-No...." Satoshi replied and her watched beeped. she looked at the time and said "Time for cake with Honey and Mori...." 
Looking at Minho in the eyes, her face blushed so she quickly added "Bye." and ran off. Minho raised an eyebrow, with his hands on his hips and wondered "What happened to her?"      

Re: Ouran High School Host Club character information

12 Years Ago

Even thought we all know what happen, or I do, at least. Minho thought, with a smirk itching at the corners of his lips. Well, they didn't say where I could take a shower. At least it was only my shirt. He then turned toward Satoshi Go, the girl who's pretending to be a boy. He walked up to her with a cat-like grace, and started a conversation. 
"So, how's being a host like (even though you're a girl). Is it fun listening to girls' conversations?"
"Um, sort of?" Satoshi replied, wearily. 
"Great to hear that." Minho replied, before slinking off. 
Kyouya then walked up to Minho, "So, you ready to start your first time being a host?"
"I believe I'll be fine. So, what's the theme?" Minho asked, seeing props being taken-very stealthily- out of storage.
"Oh, you're good. It's the beach."
"A very good reason to show off extra skin. Very good chose for a host club." Minho replied.
Kyouya smiled and then thought, We many need to watch this one. He could be threatening my seat. 
"And no, don't worry about your seat, shadow King. It's too much effort." Minho said, before he went to lay down and take a nap before getting ready for the next two hours.   

Re: Ouran High School Host Club character information

12 Years Ago

"B-B-B-B-B-BEACH SCENE?!" Satoshi bellowed once she caught wind of it. Honey-senpai had clung himself around her waist and Mori followed. 
"Yes, a beach scene." Tamaki said. "We bought you the perfect swimwear." 
With a snap of his fingers, the Hitachin Twins came in and showed her a bright yellow bikini with frills for the bottom and spagetti straps. Satoshi blushed furiously at the outfit and said "B-But I need to keep the girls at bay!" 
"You can still carry your bat around, don;t worry." Tamaki said. "Now change!" 
"And she doesn't have to?!" Satoshi asked, pointing at Haruhi and Satoshi 2 who flinched when they were pointed at. Tamaki got up and said "They'r men." 
"Like hell they are!!" Satoshi bitterly bellowed. She was then pushed into the changing room and forced to change her clothes. 
~ * ~
The host club now resembled the amazing scenery of a beach. Tamaki stroked his clients face lovingly making her simply die of happiness. Satoshi wore the bikini they gave her, trying to pull the top part up so her breasts wouldn't jump out. Her was was slightly red as she made sure the girls stayed in line. She turned around, only to see Minho lazily sleeping under one of the umbrella's. She turned away quickly and put her bat out to allow another to meet with Tamaki, the other ones trying to cut but Satoshi giving them a death glare. 
Hopefully Minho will leave me to my duties..... Satoshi thought and returned her attention back to the girls

Re: Ouran High School Host Club character information

12 Years Ago

Satoshi looked again when Minho's customer came up. Minho got up and leaned on his elbow. 
"Hello," He purred.
"Hello," The girl replied, nervous in front of this "cat".
"Why such a down look, sweet heart?" Minho asked putting his forehead to her's. "Do you have a fever?"
The girl blushed madly. Minho catch her and then stood up, carrying her bridal-style, "I guess I better give you a check up." He whispered in her eye.
The girl fainted from over-exposure to hotness. 

Re: Ouran High School Host Club character information

12 Years Ago

Satoshi burning desire to hate him returned, which made her happy. She could focus better on her work. As she allowed another to meet with Tamaki, a scream echoed off from the ocean (built in just for the occasion), catching everyone's attention. Turning, they spotted Honey's floatie had popped and he was sinking. All the girls shrieked as their little hero began to drown, flailing effortlessly in the ocean. Satoshi bolted, running like a marathon runner, jumping into the air and diving in. She popped out and quickly swam towards Honey who sank under. She dived in under, the crowd of females holding their breath. Satoshi popped out from underwater and frantically swam back with an unconscious Honey on her back. Once out of the water, Satoshi spread him out, listening to his heart. 
"Breath darn you!" She bellowed and commenced to punch his limp stomach. "HYA, HYA, HYA!!" 
Honey coughed, water escaping his throat as his eyes slowly began to open. He blinked, tears welling up in his eyes as he attacked Satoshi crying "You saved me mama!" 
The girls cheered happily. Satoshi flipped her bang from her eye, the water flying and the light catching it to make it sparkle. She gave a happy face as her eyes dimmed and she practically whispered "Thank goodness." 
The girls squealed, hearts in their eyes at the moment. Satoshi carried Honey off, wrapping a towel around him and feeding him cake. She then felt someone ruffle out her hair, making her look up only to come face to face with Minho. She shot a glare, something utterly normal. 
"Good job pip-squeak." Minho praised and left her there. She quickly turned away as her face heated up again. She looked at her lap and felt her hands tremble as she fed Honey his cake. Mori noticed it and took over, wrapping a towel around her and allowing her to leave. 
~ * ~
"It's time for the bon fire!!" The Hitachin twins declared. They started a small fire, everyone given a small slip of paper. 
"Everyone, write down the one thing that bother most!" Tamaki said. Minho passes by, whispering in each girls ear "Rumor has it that if you write your loved ones name, you'll end up together." 
With many bright faced girls, they scribbled down their loved ones name and threw them into the fire. All except Satoshi and had already written down the thing she'd like gone and her unsure love. She looked at the name, trembling and her eyes wide. 
What do I do, what do I do? She thought frantically. I-I can't put it in now....WHAT IF IT COMES TRUE?! 
Satoshi shook her head, unable to except it. Minho noticed this and smirked deviously. He swooped in and snatched the paper from her hands. 
"WHAT'RE YOU DOING?!" Satoshi bellowed,her bat in hand and attempting to smack him which he easily dodged. 
"This." Minho said plainly and threw the paper into the fire which burned. Satoshi went to her knees and screamed "NOOOOOOO!!!" 
The ashed mockingly flew into the sky and onto Satoshi who moped over them. 
"The drama scene, where the female protaginist can't except her love for the boy she desires." one girl whispered. 
"Mmhmm, the ashes symbolizing the love she feels." Another added. 
"The boys already aware but he likes toying with her feelings....the harsh lover." A third said. 
"SHUT UP!!" Satoshi bellowed,grabbing her bat and trying to aim for their heads who frantically ran from her, Minho laughing as Satoshi frustration was taken out on three innocent girls.   

Slip of paper

12 Years Ago

Satoshi Go was sitting on the window still with her slip of paper she was handed.
      What do I hate the most... Satoshi 2 thought. An idea came into his head, writing it down. ""
      "Who are you gonna put down Satoshi?" A girl asked.
      "What do you mean who?" Satoshi 2 asked. "Tamaki-Sempi asked us to write what we hate most."
     "But Minho told us if we write our loved one's name down, we would get them." The girl said.
      "Minho said that?" Satoshi 2 asked. "Humph...that's just like him. He told you a lie."           "No! Minho doesn't lie!" The girl defended, snaching Satoshi's paper. "Now who did you write down?!" The girls eyes widdened, Minho coming over and taking the paper out of the girls hand.
      "Hey! What do you think you're doing?! That's privite!" Satoshi 2 said trying to snach the paper back from Minho.
    The paper was held near the fire, Satoshi freezing.
      "Let me read it, or you'll never get it back." Minho said giving Satoshi a death glare.      "Fine! Just don't put it in the fire!" Satoshi 2 said.
      "Thank you." Minho said reading the paper. "Huh?!"
     "Hey what's that?" Satoshi 1 asked walking over, but sliping in a puddle of water, Minho droping the paper into the fire.
      "NOOOOO!" Satoshi 2 yelled in agony, falling to her knee's.
      "Sorry..." Satoshi 1 said.

Re: Ouran High School Host Club character information

12 Years Ago

Both Satoshi dragged themselves down the hall, moping about the bonfire. 
"My life sucks...." Satoshi 1 groaned. 
"Mine sucks even more..." Satoshi 2 countered. 
"Aw, why the long faces?" Minho asked.
They both sent a death glare and continued to move on with their sad life.  

Surprise visiter

12 Years Ago

     "See ya tomorrow..." Satoshi 1 said hanging her head.
     "See ya..." Satoshi 2 said with his head down too.
   Satoshi Go walked home -aunt and uncles house- and dropped his stuff on the floor, walking into his bedroom and locking the door.
     "Awww...Why did Minho have to take my paper!" Satoshi 2 screamed into his pillow. "What if he really wasn't lieing...what if that rumer was true..."
     "Satoshi? Dinner's almost ready." Satoshi 2's aunt said knocking on the door. "There's also a visiter here to see you."
     A visiter? I wonder who it is.....? Satoshi thought sitting up and opening the door. When he opened it, he froze.

Re: Ouran High School Host Club character information

12 Years Ago

"Go away, go eat with the dogs!" Satoshi aggressively spat at Minho the following day. Celty and Brooke sat next to each other, eating their dinner as the two bickered. 
"You were taking too long." Minho said. "Now shut up and eat." 
"No, what the hell is wrong with you, you a$$hole!!" Satoshi bellowed. 
She was slapped over the head by a newspaper by Brooke. 
"Satoshi we taught you better!!" Brooke scolded. 
"Well excuse my French!" Satoshi said and began cursing in french, her sister responding to at as well. Minho simply ate away the food as he finished his meal and washed his plate. He then moved upstairs to continue his reading. 
~ * ~
As punishment for foul language, Satoshi was sentenced to cleaning the kitchen. As she wrapped a frilled apron around her waist, she got on all fours and began scrubbing the floor. 
"So you like him?" Celty suddenly asked, shocking Satoshi. 
"Th-that A-hole?" Satoshi said. "No way!" 
"Satoshi were worried about you." Brooke said. "Your still single!!!" 
"I'll be single the rest of my life...." Satoshi bitterly said. 
"Or turn out to be a w***e." Celty said, earning a death glare from Satoshi. The two sister grabbed a limb and forced Satoshi to sit. 
"No need to be shy about yourself." Celty said. "You've got a great body!" 
"And fun personality!" Brooke added. 
"Great at cleaning." 
"And can take on a biker gang with one hand tied behind your back!" 
"No guy wants a girl stronger then them...." Satoshi brought up. "Kills their pride." 
"I see." Brooke said. "Well there's one thing to do...." 
She pulled out a pair of scissors and Celty her make up kit. 
"MAKE OVER!!" They said and attacked Satoshi. They trimmed her skirt that reached her mid calves, making her wear fish nets under, heals, leaving her uniform top be, straightening her hair and adding eye liner. They ajusted her glasses and took a quick picture.
"Out with the old and in with the new!" Brooke said cheerfully.

Re: Ouran High School Host Club character information

12 Years Ago

Minho came walking down the stairs and when he saw Satoshi, he grinned slyly. 
"So Satoshi, you finally bringing out your feminine side?"
"Shut up!" 
Minho just shook his head then walked over, pointing to the fish-nets he said, "Get ride of those. They make your legs look like sticks. Wear thigh-high socks, if anything." 
Celty eyed Minho and said, "Why should we listen to you?" 
"My mother's always spending all of her time doing mask-up, and taught me some stuff. Also," He said, pointing to her face, "Try to make it more, natural. Just a light touch-up would do, and if she added eye shadow lightly, with gold or silver, it would bring out her eyes. And a lighter color for her lips would make them look more full."
(I'm just guessing on the make-up, cause I don't use it :P)  

Re: Ouran High School Host Club character information

12 Years Ago

Satoshi glared daggers as she was dragged away and into another room to work on her make up. she curse silently under her breath as she felt her sisters ravish her hair in sprays and shampoos. 
Damn you, damn you damn you damn you damn you Minho!!! she thought angrily
~ * ~
"What a gorgeous look!" Tamaki declared only to be swatted across the head with a metal bat. Satoshi fumed, bat tightly in hand as she said "Shut up." 
"Better then how you looked before." Minho said, Satoshi aiming for him but he easily dodged them. Satoshi resumed to her position at the front door, opening them and bellowing "I'M IN A FOUL MOOD SO DON'T PISS ME OFF." 
The girls flinched, the death glare sending a dark aura that ate the very happy aura they gave off. They got in line, going in five by five.    


12 Years Ago

Honey and Mori noticed Satoshi Go sitting over on the window still, gazing out at the pond.
     "Hey Sato-Chan 2." Honey said riding on Mori's shoulder's. "What are you looking at?"
     "Hmmm? Oh, hi Honey, Mori..." Satoshi said looking at Honey and Mori and then gazing back at the pond.
     "Hey! You didn't answer me!" Honey complained.
     "Oh, I'm sorry!" Satoshi said. "I was just thinking."
     "About what?" Honey asked.
     "....." (Satoshi)
     "....." (Mori)
     "....." (Honey)
     "Okay fine, I'll tell you! Just stop giving me the puppy dog eye's..." Satoshi said. He sighed and said, "Yesterday....I...I met a man named Calcifer..."
     "And?" Honey asked.
     "He kissed me...." Satoshi said.
     "What?! Sato-Chan got kissed?!" Honey yelled catching everyone's attention.
     "Shhh! Not so loud Sempi! You'll attract everyone over here!" Satoshi whispered.
     "What's this about a kiss?" Tamaki asked looming over Satoshi making him freeze.
     Awww crap... Satoshi thought.

Re: Ouran High School Host Club character information

12 Years Ago

Minho had came back from the lunch room, just in time to hear Satoshi Go say, "There was this man, named Caclifer, and he kissed me." 
Minho ignored Honey's exclamation, and smiled to himself. Everyone has such fun going ons. He thought.
Minho walked over to the window sill, sat down, and went to sleep, while pondering the new news that he had just heard about. 

Re: Ouran High School Host Club character information

12 Years Ago

Satoshi herded the remaining girls away once the host club was considered closed. She sighed and thought The girls are so annoying to handle.... 
"Tamaki, i'm leaving." Satoshi called. 
"Alright, same time tomorrow?" Tamaki asked. 
"Yeah, I'll be here." Satoshi said. Kiyoya then came in and gave her a check, even though it pained him as he said "Good job on guarding, I look forward the remaining year." 
"Thanks." Satoshi said and left the host. Her bat was in its case still, the handle sticking out from the case just in case as she walked down the halls to escape the school. As she was exiting the campus, she found herself surrounded. 
"Well look what got blown in!" a leader of a biker gang chimed, his pack whistling at Satoshi appearence. Satoshi could feel her anger begin to rise so she said "Leave me alone, I have better things to do then put up with a$$holes like you." 
She was about to walk around them, till the leader zoomed in front of her, grabbed a handful of her shirt and brought her close, making her glasses crocked. 
"Mind your manners girly." her hissed, Satoshi only glaring back. 
~ * ~
Minho was awakened at the sound of a veering motorcycle, making him lazily look over out the window, only to see a gang. He would've ignored it, if it wasn't for the girl they were picking on. Minho rose up and said "So Satoshi's gonna fight." 
He then saw her getting pushed around. 
No, she's trying to control her temper. Of all the times, that idiot....Minho thought and walked down the hall to go to her rescue (apparently). 
~ * ~
Satoshi was shoved and grabbed by one of the men. Having enough, she elbowed one in the face who released her and held his now broken nose. 
"Didn't I say leave me alone?" Satoshi asked, eyes gleaming. 
The leader grew angry as he veered his motorcycle and pulled out a nailed implanted bat. He nearly hit the unsuspecting Satoshi till a foot collided with the side of his face. Satoshi turned, only seeing that Minho had leaped through the air and kicked the leader. The other bikers tried attacking but with his agility and powerful blows, he easily took them out. The leader rose and whipped out a gun. Before he could shoot Minho, a bat swirled through the air and nailed him in the crown of his head. Minho turned, only to see an enraged Satoshi jump into the fight and beat them down with her metal bat. The two fought valiantly, everyone in the school watching from the windows. As every last biker was beaten down, Minho and Satoshi turned and looked at one another. 
"Well done chibi." Minho said. 
"You too....Minho...." Satoshi said, only catching herself when she saw Minho's eyes widen at the sound of his name. "Wait I meant, jerk!! ARGH, see what you do?!" 
"No." Minho replied. 
Satoshi glared, grabbing her bat, kicking one of the bikers in the side and stormed off home. Minho only chuckled to himself as he buried his hands into his pockets. He pulled out his cell phone and contacted the police.       

Re: Ouran High School Host Club character information

12 Years Ago

"Hello, this is the ______ police station." A voice said on the other line.
"Hello, I'm a student going to Ouran High School, and there was some disturbances due to a biker gang. We would appreciate it if you could come and take them away."
"Very well," The voice said, before hanging up. 

Re: Ouran High School Host Club character information

12 Years Ago

Brooke was learning how to cook from their person chef Soma till the door opened and slammed shut. 
"the beast is here." Soma replied, a teenage boy who had to be around twenty years old, but having a young face. his blond hair short in the back but his bang covering his eye and wearing a chefs uniform. Brooke helped peel the potatoes and called "Celty, Satoshi sounds angered, bring her in!" 
Celty was somewhere in the study, reading up on dragons till she heard Brooks request. She got up and slid down the staircase, stopping Satoshi from storming up to her room.
"Move!" Satoshi demanded, only to be grabbed and dragged into the kitchen. 
"Yo." Soma greeted. 
"nothing much." Satoshi replied plainly. She was seated at the table and Soma served her a bowl of strawberries and whipping cream. she ate away hungrily. 
"Tell us your day." Brooke said over her shoulder. 
"It sucked, a biker gang decided to stop by." Satoshi grumbled. 
"Ah, you kick their asses like we taught you?" Celty asked. 
"Hell yeah." Satoshi replied, Celty ruffling out her hair. "But I had help." 
There was a pause, Celty looking at Satoshi in confusion and Brooke changing positions and finding her place besides her baby sister. 
"Who was it?" Brooke asked. 
There was a pause. 
"It was Minho?! That stick?!" Celty said shocked. 
"Yeah....he helped." Satoshi replied, eating another strawberry. 
"OOOHHHHH, she's in love!!" Celty squealed. 
"Yeah...maybe." Satoshi admitted. 
"With who?" a voice asked, everyone turning and seeing Minho coming in. Satohsi bolted up and declared "I'm going to my room." 
She took her strawberries and cream and left the kitchen.  

Arranged marrage

12 Years Ago

Satoshi Go had seen the biker goon fight the other Satoshi, with Minho's help driving them off and the police taking the goons away. She soon left the school to head back home, but found the guy that had kissed her so suddenly waiting outside the school.
     "Hello Satoshi. Or should I say, Jade?" The man Calcifer said.
     "I-I don't go by that name any more Calcifer-san." Jade said. "Why did you kiss me yesterday?"
     "Don't you remember?" Calcifer asked.
     "Remember what?!" Jade asked.
     "Oh really forgot?" Calcifer said. He walked up to Satoshi and placed his hands on her shoulder's. "Let me refresh your memory. Your parents and my parents had arranged for us to be married after we graduate."
     "I-I don't remember that! Your just making this up!" Jade said blushing.
     "I'll see you tomorrow in the Host club Jade." Calcifer said kissing Jade's cheek.
     "Wait- what?! You- your...No! You can't be seareouce!" Jade said.
     "I've seen Tamaki and he said it was okay for me to join." Calcifer said.
     "Grr...Sempi!" Jade said under her breath. "I can't believe Tamaki let him join....great...I guess I deserve this for writing his name down on that paper...."
     "See ya later Jade!" Calcifer said waving bye.
     "Don't call me that!" Jade yelled and stormed home locking herself in her room till dinner.

New Host club member: Calcifer Road

12 Years Ago

     Name: Calcifer Road

     Age: 17

     Looks: Wears the Ouran Academy school uniform. He has dark brunette hair, sapphire blue eyes and peach skin.

     Personality: Funny, attempts to get Jade to love him back, over protective over Jade and tends to brag about what'll happen in the future.

     Story: So he tell's Jade that they are to be married after graduation and love's her so much. He lives with his family, but they kick him out and he struggles to find a place to stay.

     Color: Purple.

Re: Ouran High School Host Club character information

12 Years Ago

The next day, both Satoshi's gathered in the cafeteria both having the same problem. Satoshi 1 had caught wind of Satoshi 2 (Jade) predicament with Calcifer soon coming along. They sighed as they took a sip of their drinks. Satoshi 1 had treated Satoshi 2 to a coffee at a small yet very famous coffee shop called Writers Cafe, a place where amateur writers could send in their stories or poems and express them to the world. 
"So this Calcifer guys ain't gonna give up anytime soon?" Satoshi 1 asked. 
"No...I don't even know him...." Satoshi 2 said, sipping her coffee. "This is really good, why haven't I heard of this place?" 
"Cause it recently opened." Satoshi 1 replied, sipping hers. "It's mine." 
Satoshi 2 looked at her in shock. 
"Huh?" Satoshi 2 asked. 
"I made Writers Cafe, i didn't think it'd be this big though..." Satoshi 1 said. "Most of the recipes i made myself or my sisters lent them to me." 
"That's amazing!" Satoshi 2 complemented. 
"Nice to hear." Satoshi 1 said smiling. "Minho's been giving me problems lately, feels like its his soul purpose to ruin my high school life." 
"I can totally relate!" Satoshi 2 agreed. 
The two sighed and continued sipping their coffee.  

New room mate

12 Years Ago

     "There you are my dear!" Calcifer said pouncing onto Jade's back.
     "What do you want now?" Jade asked getting annoyed.
     "Just telling you that I've been kicked out of my house and now I don't have any place to live...Could I stay with you?" Calcifer asked playing with Jade's hair.
     "What?!" Jade said in surprise. "B-but...alright...but It'll only be temperary!"
     "Yay! Thank you honey! You won't regret me living with you!" Calcifer cheered and rushed out the door.
     "Ugg...see what I have to live with now?" Jade groaned, resting her head on the table. "I should have never wrote his name down...."