Group stories : Forum : Ouran High School Host Club ch..

Re: Ouran High School Host Club character information

12 Years Ago

Satoshi and Jade finished their coffee, paying the waitress and heading back to school. Satoshi had her bat on her back as always, intimidating people as she walked by and Jade soon asking "What's with that bat anyway?" 
"Huh?" Satoshi asked, turning then noticing it. "Oh, a present from my sisters." 
"A present?....a weapon?!" Jade asked. 
"Yeah, to defend myself ." Satoshi replied cooly. 
What kind of sisters does she have?! Jade suddenly thought. 
"I used to get bullied, so my sisters taught me everything I know that involves fighting." Satoshi replied, Jade paying close attention. "When I got stronger, I eventually just became feared....Meaning no friends." 
"Well....I'm your friend." Jade said. 
"Majika? (seriously)" Satoshi asked. 
"Yeah." Jade said. "Everyone needs a friend." 
Satoshi then slung an arm over Jade's shoulders and pulled her in for a hug. Once done, Satoshi replied "Thanks." 

Re: Ouran High School Host Club character information

12 Years Ago

Minho saw this touching moment between the two, and decided that it was just calling for him to ruin the moment. 
"Hey," Minho said, walking in between them.
"Minho!" Satoshi exclaimed, swatting her bat at Minho as if he was a fly. 
"So glad you missed me," Minho said, smiling. "Anyways, Satoshi 2, who was that one guy?"
"Which one?" Satoshi-Jade asked.
"You know who I'm talking about." 
"H-he's a person I know."
"And you wrote his name on that piece of paper. That's for the info, Jade," Minho said, smirking. 
He then waltzed off, towards the World Trading Market.  


12 Years Ago

Satoshi looked at Jade and said, "Your name's not Satoshi?!"
     "Uh-uh-uh...." Jade stammered, trying to find the right words.
     "So, so you LIED to me?" Satoshi asked, furious.
     "N-no, I-I changed my name when my hair was cut!" Jade said.
     "That still doesn't mean you can lie to your best friends Satoshi! Or should I say, Jade!" Satoshi screemed, readying her bat.
   Jade ducked in time, unfortunally to see that Satoshi didn't swing.
     "You, you didn't swing?" Jade asked.
     "I-I can't do that to you...Not after I just became friends with you..." Satoshi said lowering her bat.
     "S-Satoshi..." Jade said standing back up to hug Satoshi. "I'll tell you everything soon..."

Re: Ouran High School Host Club character information

12 Years Ago

"No more secrets then." Satoshi said. 
The two were led away to a quiet place. Jade was about to spill till the bell rang. Giving a sigh of both relief and frustration, 
"Meet me at WritersCafe after school, okay?" Satoshi said, giving her a card. She walked off and Jade looked down at the card, realizing it was a business card. On the back was Satoshi's phone number. She stuffed it in her pocket and soon headed to class
~ * ~
Satoshi doodled in her sketchbook, listening to the teacher but letting her thoughts wondering. Minho sat behind her, noticing she wasn't giving him the chance glances along with the occasional glares. 
I don't like it..... Minho thought. He quickly scribbled down a note and stuffed it in her back, knowing she noticed. Satoshi slipped her hand in and pulled out the note. It was written in Swedish, reading Something bothering you? 
Satoshi replied in Chinese No...
Before Minho could reply, the bell rang and Satoshi bolted out.  

Host club again

12 Years Ago

Jade was walking down the halls and to the Host club room held in the music room, thinking how much she really didn't want to go because she knew Calcifer would be there.
     "Do I really have to come today? Do I really?" Jade asked herself. Jade let out a sigh of defeat with choosing to go in or not. She opened the door and was tackled in a hug.
     "Ah, my darling Ja-"
     "Get off me!" Jade yelled. "And don't you dare call me by that name. Just call me Satoshi!"
   Tamaki came up to the, 'lovely' couple and gave them a set of cosplay clothing to change into.
     "I need you all to change into these clothing." Tamaki said.
     "What for?" Jade asked.
     "For today's theme!" Tamaki said.
     "What is it?" Calcifer asked.
     "Just get dressed in it and you'll know." Tamaki said and walked away.


12 Years Ago

Jade and Calcifer looked at eachother and walked into the dressing rooms. When they came out, they wore victorian clothes, Jade wearing the men's outfit.
      "So it's victorian themed today?" Calcifer asked.
      "I guess so..." Jade said.

Re: Ouran High School Host Club character information

12 Years Ago

Minho came out wearing a sky blue over coat on top of a white shirt. He decided to discard the frills and instead unbuttoned his first three buttons, causing girls to swoon. On the bottom, be was wearing some cream colored pants, and dark brown leather boots. HE went and sat down at a table and went into character immediately. 
"Would you like some tea, madame?"
"Yes please," The girl replied, with hearts in her eyes.
"Earl grey, or black tea?" HE asked, his hand gliding over the girl's brown hair.
He looked up at her through his lashes and said, alluringly, "Or, would you perhaps like something cherry flavored, as I believe your chap stick is flavored today?"
The girl didn't answer, she just fainted, and the girls next to her caught her.   

Re: Ouran High School Host Club character information

12 Years Ago

Even though Satoshi was forced to wear a frilly victorian maids costume, her hair up and curled, wearing black heels. But it didn't stop her from guarding the host club members from the raid of females. Even some males attempted to grab at Satoshi who were only welcomed to a metal bat. 
"Back it up, back it up!" Satoshi demanded. "Orderly lined up please." 
Everyone did as told. They remained behind Satoshi, her bat gripped tightly in her hand. She looked back and spotted Satoshi 2, or known as Jade, eating cake with the few girls who were allowed in. She then felt a tap on the shoulder, turning she found Honey-senpai there holding a plate of cake up to her with More holding a tea cup for her. 
"Time for your break." the two said. 
"Okay." Satoshi said. She left the premises and soon the girls swarmed in. Kiyouiya the most panicked because the constant squealing made him loose count of their money. Satoshi seated herself and began to eat the cake, Honey making himself comfortable on Mori's lap and digging into the cake. He noticed Satoshi not eating the cake as enthusiastically as he and asked "What's wrong?" 
"Oh, nothing sweet pea, just in thought." Satoshi said and began to force herself to eat the cake. Her gaze traveled back to Jade, who seemed to be trying to be trying to inch away from the crowd of girls; wanting some private time. She then saw an opening, telling the girls she needed a break from the cake and weaved her way into the hall. Satoshi rose and said "Excuse me." 
Before Honey could ask, Satoshi was following Jade. 
~ * ~
"Okay Jade, spill." Satoshi demanded, leaning against the wall. 
"Okay, I'll tell you everything...." Jade said.   

Jade's secret is revealed to Satoshi

12 Years Ago

     "It all started back in America where I lived before coming here." Jade began. "It was a late afternoon and I was on my way back home from school until I noticed my house was on fire. My mom and dad were still inside, but by the time the fire fighters made it, It was too lat. They died from to much smoke inhalation. Then, I was brought to Japan to live with my aunt and uncle."
     "Is there any more to this story of yours? Was your hair always short?" Satoshi asked.
     " see....My hair got tangled in a tree branch and I was forced to cut my hair this short. It used to be really long." Jade confessed.
     "And what about that one guy that clings onto you?" Satoshi asked.
     " tell you the truth, I compleatly forgot about him until I wrote his name on that paper." Jade said.

Re: Ouran High School Host Club character information

12 Years Ago

Minho came out of nowhere, saying, "That's nice and lovely, but have you guys realized that everyone else left? I think we need to get going," He finished, putting his arm around Satoshi's neck and dragging her off. 
"Hey!" Satoshi yelled before she was lost to sight. 
~~**~~~ A Valentine Day Special ~~**~~
Minho got up the next morning, and walked into Satoshi's room to make sure she was awake. "Hey Satoshi, it's time for school-," Minho started, but stopped when he saw the state Satoshi was in. 
Satoshi was laying in the bed, her face bright red, and her breath coming out shallow. Minho walked up to her and felt her forehead, "Hey, you're burning up!"
He thought for awhile to think about what to do, then called the school to tell them that Satoshi was out sick, and he would stay home to take care of her. He went downstairs to ask for help from Satoshi's sisters, but none of them were there.
I guess I'll have to do this my self. He thought. What was first? cold water, and porridge.  
Minho walked off to the bathroom to find a washcloth and soaked it in cold water. He then walked to Satoshi's room and put it on Satoshi.
"What d're ya doing.." Satoshi slurred and then fell back asleep.
Minho then went back down stairs and made porridge. ME came back up stairs when he finished and when he walked in the room, Satoshi was awake.
"What d're ya doin' in my room?" She asked.
"Coming to take care of you of course," MInho replied, and then sat down next to her on a stool and took a spoon full of porridge, "Say ah."  
"Come on." MInho said.
"No," Satoshi replied, and turned her back on Minho. 
"Guess I have no choice," Minho said, and climbed onto her bed, and then said, "Say ah." 
"What are you doing?" Satoshi exclaimed.
"Feeding you. What else?"
"Sexual harassment!" Satoshi coughed out. 
Just at that moment, Satoshi's sisters came in and saw this what was going on.
"What are you doing?" Celty asked.
"Taking care of your sick sister," Minho replied.
"Okay. Have fun!" Celty said, and walked off.
"AHH!" Satoshi screamed, and Minho took that moment to put the porridge in her mouth.
"Now, that wasn't so hard now, was it?"

Re: Ouran High School Host Club character information

12 Years Ago

After Satoshi was finished being force fed food, she was left alone in her room to recover. The porrige contained a special medication that would help with her fever and stop her coughing. She was reading a book till she heard the door open. Minho arrived saying "Okay time for your medicine." 
"Already had it." Satoshi replied. 
"Well this'll help with your runny nose." Minho said. He pulled out a green bottle and large spoon. He then poured a molasses like substance that was black and bulging almost. Satoshi almost vomited at the sight. 
"What the hell is that?" Satoshi asked. 
"A special recipe that'll cure anything." Minho replied. "Now....say ah." 
Satoshi clamped her mouth shut. Minho crawled on top of her bed and said again "Say ah." 
Satoshi shook her head now. Giving her a mischivious grin, Minho kissed her nose making her removed her hands and gasp. Taking the golden oppurtunity, he shoved the medicine into her mouth, making her swallow. She gagged as the liquid went down her throat. 
"There, sleep well." Minho said, excusing himself from the room. Satoshi collapsed on her bed and passed out.    

Jade and Calcifer's Valentine's day special: Part 1 The truth is out

12 Years Ago

The next day, Jade came to school, hearing that Satoshi was sick, Minho staying home to care and help her get better.
     "Who's gonna be the body guard?!" Tamaki said in agony as Jade walked into the Host club. "Who's gonna keep all the girls in order?!"
     'Looks like Tamaki Senpi is freaking out again...' Jade thought as she walked by.
     "Tamaki." Kyoya began. "We were fine before Satoshi 1 joined. I'm sure we'll be okay."
     "Humph. I guess you're right." Tamaki said standing up. "So we'll put Satoshi 2 in charge of keeping the girls in order!"
     "What?!" Jade said. "Wh-why me?!"
     "Because you have the same name as the other Satoshi!" Tamaki said.
     "Senpi, I think you might be going too far now." Haruhi said.     "But Satoshi 1 isn't here!" Tamaki said.
     "That doesn't mean you have someone else take her place!" Haruhi bellowed.
     "Yeah! Don't let Ja- Satoshi 2 take the other Satoshi's job!" Calcifer said stepping in to save the day -for Jade.
     "Calcifer?" Jade asked turning around, only to be hugged. "Huh?!"
     "I'll keep the girls in order as Satoshi 1 would do, while Ja- Satoshi 2 act like her-him self!" Calcifer said, tripping on his words.
     "What do you think your-" Jade said, a red cat ear headband placed atop her head. "Huh?! What's this for?"
     "If I'm Satoshi, you'll be Minho!" Calcifer said smiling.
     'Uhg...I hate it when he gives me that smile...that smile..that...beautiful smile...' Jade thought, hypnotized and then brought back into reality. "What am I saying?!"     "Huh?" Everyone said, confused.
     "N-nothing!" Jade said waving her hands in front of her face.
   Haruhi then realized something about Jade. Something no one else but Satoshi, Minho and Jade knew...or so they thought.
     "I can't believe I didn't realize till now." Haruhi said. "Guy's, This Satoshi is a girl."     Everyone turned stone -but Haruhi.
     "H-h-h-h-how did you know?!" Jade asked. ' secret is no longer a secret any more...'
     "Well, for one, Calcifer was almost calling you a different name and even said she. Second, the cat ears make you more girlie." Haruhi said.
     "Whew! My plan worked!" Calcifer said letting out a sigh of releaf.
   Jade turned her head slowly and glared death daggers.
     "YOU PLANED THIS?!" Jade roared, fire emitting off her.
     "Satoshi...Calm down..." Mori said placing a calming hand on Jade's shoulder, Jade stopping.
   Jade rested her hands by her side, a sign of defeat and said, "My-my real name isn't Satoshi...its Jade..."
     "Do you want to continue acting like a boy, or-" Tamaki started.
     "I-I need some fresh air." Jade said taking the cat ears off and running out of the music room.
     "Jade wait!" Calcifer said giving chase.
     "Leave me alone!" Jade said running out of the school and into the school garden's maze.
     "Jade wait! You'll get lost!" Calcifer said running into the maze after Jade.

Jade and Calcifer's Valentine's day special: Part 2 The maze

12 Years Ago

As Jade ran through the maze garden, she looked back and realized she was lost.
     "S-someone? A-anyone? Help!" Jade cried out.
     "Jade?" Calcifer called back.
     "Calcifer? I-is that you?" Jade asked. Tears were rolling down her face.
     "Stay where you are, I'll find you!" Calcifer said.
     "Please hurry!" Jade said.
   Jade noticed there was a tiny place where she could sit and wait, but a biker gang appeard out of no where and sorrounded her.
     "Hello....boy. Are you lost?" The head goon asked.
   Jade gasped at their sudden appearence and relized who they were.
     "Y-y-your that biker gang that was arrested just a few day's ago!" Jade said.
     "Uh-hu. What of it?" The leader asked.
     "Jade? Are you still there?" Calcifer called again.
     "Calcifer help!" Jade screamed.
     "You're a boy with a girl's name?" The leader asked.
     "N-no...I am a girl..." Jade said.
     "A girl huh? This changes every thing. Boy's, get this girl." The leader ordered, one goon lifting Jade over his shoulder.
     "AHHHH! CALCIFER, HELP!" Jade sreamed one more time.
     "Jade!" Calcifer said seeing the goon with Jade. "Give her back!"
     "Or what?" The leader asked.
   Calcifer pulled out his cell phone and said, "I'll call the cops."
   A boy wearing a dark purple cape appeared under a shaded area, the goon's and the leader noticing him and became really intimidated, dropping Jade and running off.
     "Ow..." Jade said getting up from the fall.
     "Jade! A-are you okay?!" Calcifer asked.
     "Calcifer...I...I'm sorry I got mad at you! You were right to help the host club know my secret. I'm sorry...." Jade said takling Calcifer in a hug.
     "There, there....See?" Calcifer said lifting Jade's head up and bringing her forehead to his. "I told you this was my plan right? I knew Satoshi would be sick, Minho staying home to care for her. Haruhi would figure out your secret. And I knew that biker gang would come after you."
     "How did you know?" Jade asked.
     "It my special talent. I know what'll happen in the future." Calcifer said.
     "What else did you see?" Jade asked.
     "This." Calcifer said bringing Jade's lip's to his, the two kissing. When it was all over, Jade's face lit up, Calcifer giving Jade his ultra cute smile. "You're so Kawaii Jade."
     "Kawaii? W-what's that mean?" Jade asked, her face still red.
     "Cute." Calcifer said standing up, soon helping Jade get on her feet. "Come on. Let's get back to the host club my darling Jade."
     "O-okay..." Jade said taking Calcifer's hand. 'What's happening? What's this strange feeling I feel around him? Am I, growing feeling's for Calcifer? Am I...falling in love?'
   Those thoughts ran through Jade's head like an empty, never ending space, that, everytime she would speak of it, it would eacho forever.

Re: Ouran High School Host Club character information

12 Years Ago

Satoshi woke up bleary eyed, yawning widely. She could still taste the horrible medicine that was lodged down her throat and coughed a bit. She took a cough drop to both sooth her aching throat and get rid of the horrible taste. Sucking on the cough drop, she picked up her book which was a lovely manga that she so much enjoyed.
"Maid-sama, who do you meddle with a boy who basically stalks you?" Satoshi asked, her so called 'bible' didn't reply. Sighing she pressed the book to her chest and fell back, her head landing on her pillow as she began to read. She sniffled, grabbing tissues and blowing her nose. 
"Satoshi, simulation 2 begins now!" Minho called, Satoshi frantically putting the book under her pillow and appearing to be asleep. Minho arrived with a ointment that smelled of eucalyptus. He took a large portion of it and spread it on Satoshi face, the strong smell stinging her eyes. 
"No, no, no!!" Satoshi screeched. 
"Pipe down chibi." Minho replied.  

Re: Ouran High School Host Club character information

12 Years Ago

After Minho had finished smothering Satoshi in the ointment, he left the room. He returned in thirty minutes, and saw Satoshi was fast asleep. He walked over to her bed, and pulled up a chair, and felt her forehead. Getting better, just a little bit more... Minho thought, and yawned. God, I'm tired.
His eyes started to flutter close, and he feel asleep next to Satoshi's bed.

Re: Ouran High School Host Club character information

12 Years Ago

Satoshi inhaled the air, her nose no longer stuffed. She yawned widely as she moved about in her bed. She pulled the cooling pad off her forehead, the ointment still lingering in air but faintly. 
"Wow....I slept well...." Satoshi mumbled, still bleary eyed. She looked around the room, till her eyes fell on a sleeping Minho. He slept peacefully and the moon truly brought out his skin. Satoshi then realized how vulnerable and majestic he looked. Feeling slightly sorry, Satoshi pulled of the covers and slung an arm over her shoulder and dragged her back to his room. She tucked him in and looked at his sleeping face one final time. Her face heated up. 
He spent the whole day taken care of me.....? I thought he hated me.... Satoshi thought, her face heating up. Groaning she leaned in and pushed his bangs away so his forehead was revealed. She gave him a peck on the forehead and whispered "Thank you." 
She then realized Minho was awake, looking her in the eye. Satoshi trembled while Minho smiled. 
"So feelings have finally been revealed." Minho said. 
"You were awake?" Satoshi asked, so furious that she was shaking. 
"How touching that you cared so much as to carry me back to my bedroom." Minho said. "I am willing to accepted your feelings." 
Something snapped inside Satoshi making her grab the edge of the bed and rip it out of place, using it as her bat. 
"AS IF!!!" Satoshi screeched and began to swinging, Minho easily dodging the attempts.
"Don't worry, I'll wait till your ready to confess." Minho said dodging a swing that had the bat stuck to the dresser. 
"LIKE THAT'LL HAPPEN!!" Satoshi said and tackled him.
~ * ~
The next day, Satoshi found Jade and Calcifer hand in hand. 
"Sato-chan your okay!!" Jade said and hugged her. Looking at her unkempt hair and drozy eyes she asked "Something wrong?" 
"I hate Minho....." Satoshi said, eyebrow twitching.  

Jade and Calcifer's Valentine's day special: Final, part 3 The special gift

12 Years Ago

     "Why do you hate him?" Jade asked.
     "He just gets on my nerves!" Satoshi said, clenching her fist. Se then remembered she wanted to ask Jade something. "So what happened while I was gone?"
   Jade's face lit up.
     "N-nothing...Just the regular drama here in the Host club, the girls going gaga over Tamaki senpi and all that lovie dovy stuff..." Jade said, leaving out the kiss and her secret revealed.
     "Hmmm...I feel like you're not telling me everything...Is that all that happened yesterday?" Satoshi asked bringing out her bat case.
     "OKAY, OKAY! I'LL TELL YOU WHAT REALLY HAPPENED!" Jade said being intimidated by the metal bat. "Haruhi figured out I was really a girl in front of the whole host club -no girls in here thankfully."
     "They know your secret?!" Satoshi asked.
     "Yeah...." Jade said. "Then I ran out into the school garden maze and nearly got kidnapped! But then Calcifer saved me, telling me his talent was knowing all that was gonna happen, even what happened to you-"
     "How'd he know that?" Satoshi asked, feeling a little creeped out by that.
     "I have no idea...But any way, he...he..." Jade struggled to say.
     "He what?! Spit it out!" Satoshi said.
     "Kissed me..." Jade whispered.
     "OH MY GOD!" Satoshi yelled.
     "And now I sorta think I..."
     "Love him?!" Satoshi asked. "I thought you hated him?!"
     "I- I don't know what I feel...I just know I get all nurvious around him now." Jade said.
     "Hello my darling Jade! Happy Valentine's day!" Calcifer said surprising Jade, hugging her from behind. He secretly had the red cat ear headband and placed it atop Jade's head and gave her a peck on the cheek.
     "What's this?" Jade asked feeling her head to feel the headband. " didn't..."
     "I hope you like it. Oh, I also got you this." Calcifer said taking out a white box.
     "Is there an engagment ring in there?!" Jade screeched.
     "No, I got you a necklace." Calcifer said opening the box to reveal a golden heart necklace. Jade covered her mouth, speechless on what to say.
     "Oh my god...Its...its beautiful! Jade accept it!" Satoshi said.
   Calcifer took out the necklace and put it around Jade's neck and kissed her. A single tear fell down Jade's cheek. A tear of pure happyness.

An old theme re-made!

12 Years Ago

The school day in the Host Club went smoothly, none of the girl's expecting Jade to really be a girl.
Over the next few week's, Jade learned to live with Calcifer, now that they had a close relationship going on outside school.
   Satoshi and Minho still fought a lot, hardly ever acting nice to each other.

One day, the four member's came in, and were given another pair of clothes to wear for the theme.
     "Today's theme will be an Alice in Wonderland theme." Kyoya said.
     "I thought we already did that one?" Haruhi asked.
     "We'll, last time it was a bit rushed." Kyoya said looking over at Tamaki.
   Tamaki heard Kyoya, saying, "Hey! I thought that it was good!"
     "Don't bother listening to Tamaki." Kyoya said. "Just get dressed and then we can open up the club.

Re: Ouran High School Host Club character information

12 Years Ago

Since everyone already had a part, there were going to be multiple people for each character. Minho was in the changing room, putting on his Cheshire outfit. He put on some fake car ears on his head, and drew on the Cheshire smile. 
His outfit was different from the twins, and was more Victorian style than the stripy outfit the twin were wearing. 
Minho shrugged on a long sleeved white shirt, a simple black waistcoat, and then a bronze colored overcoat with golden embroidery and chains.  

Re: Ouran High School Host Club character information

12 Years Ago

Satoshi decided to go as Door mouse, having large white ears on her head and wearing a simple squire costume, panting her nose pink and small whiskers on her face. Her bat was her temperary sword in battle and secured tightly around her waist. She allowed the ones who were V.I.P guests to enter Wonderland first, her bat ready to hit anyone who dared tried passing. She then felt the looming pressence of an unwanted pressence creep up behind her. She turned around, bat ready to his the unknown intruder in the head only for her bat to be stopped by a hand. Minho stood before her, his cat like eyes hidden behind his bangs. 
"What a bashful little mouse." Minho replied. 
Satoshi glared and tore her bat free from his grip and remained where she was. 
"Don't you have customers to attend to?!" Satoshi countered, arms crossed. She then felt arm snake around her shoulders and pull her in for a hug. Her face reddened as she felt Minho's breath on her neck. 
"Meet me at Writers Cafe for a discussion." Minho whispered and strolled off to attend to his customers.