Halloween Academy : Forum : Noël Church

Noël Church

10 Years Ago

Re: Noël Church

10 Years Ago

Eira: I look around in slight awe, taking everything in. I had walked around outside until I found this place, a church, somewhere I hadn't been in a while. The place is hushed, the doors closing behind me with a hollow sound, not the loud noise I expected. My footsteps don't make much noise as I walk further into the church, trying to take some of the peace in here and channel it into me. I stop about halfway in, and just look around. "Hello?" I call, my voice sounding louder than it is *Nice Acoustics.* I think absently, then call again "Is anyone here?" No response. Besides, who would want to talk to me anyways? I find myself humming my favorite song, and stop. *Well, I am alone, and no one's around to hear. Why not?* I quietly sing, trying not to let memories wash over me in a flood "Lul-lay thou little tiny child, by, by lul-ly lul-lay...Lul-lay, thou little tiny child, By, by lul-ly, lul-lay..." I trail off, blinking back tears. It's not the same. Jack taught me that song, a gentle song, like him. I had been extended an invitation to join the choir, but I'd declined. Singing just doesn't feel right without him. I sit on one of the pews, just looking around, feeling calmer, more in control. I sigh "Why does Myrrh hate me?" I ask no one.

Re: Noël Church

10 Years Ago

Boreas: I silently seep into the church in time to hear singing. " That's an interesting song. Where did you learn it?" I ask manifesting physically.

Re: Noël Church

10 Years Ago

I jump slightly, eyes widening as I turn to see Boreas. I feel the color rise to my face, but try not to be to embarrassed "I-um-someone taught it to me a long time ago." I say quietly.

Re: Noël Church

10 Years Ago

Boreas: " Really now? It was a beautiful piece would you sing it again?" I ask politely. 

Re: Noël Church

10 Years Ago

Eira: "I-I don't remember all of it, I was just messing around." I say as an excuse, trying to get out of it "Anyways, I have to go, sorry." I quickly go back outside, trying to find my way back to the lounge, maybe there will be something for me to do.

Re: Noël Church

10 Years Ago

Boreas: " that is unfortunate." I say heading to the lounge for some peace.

Re: Noël Church

10 Years Ago

Eira: I walk back into the church, for some reason, it fascinates me. It seems like the kind o place with secrets, ones for me to find out. I walk around until I find a stairway, small and shadowed, leading up. *Why not?* I start to climb, then find myself on a second floor. I walk around, trying to solve the mystery I know this place must have. I stop in front of a wall hanging that isn't as dusty as the others. I tug it aside and find a door. *Secret door, wonder why it's hidden.* the little voice inside me answers *One way to find out.* I reach out and push it open, stepping up the small ladder behind the door, excited about what I might find.

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