Halloween Academy : Forum : Abanonded Church & Garden(Chri..

Re: Abanonded Church & Garden(Christmas Academy)

10 Years Ago

Originally posted by Playing with Dinosaurs
Myrrh: (I'm going to the garden forum)


Re: Abanonded Church & Garden(Christmas Academy)

10 Years Ago

Tannon Maris: Celyn and I enter our hide away and he flops on the couch, staring out the window. I wondered if Myrrh would visit today.

Re: Abanonded Church & Garden(Christmas Academy)

10 Years Ago

Eira: I sigh and look around "Why do I keep getting lost?" I shrug "I guess I'll pick a direction and go." I start to walk out of the overgrown garden, then pause "But that's what got me here in the first place." I put my hands on my hips, glancing around "I guess I could try and figure out where I came from and backtrack, but that would require me knowing in what direction I came from." I look around to see if I'd left any footprints, shallow as they may be, but little flurries had apparently filled them in already. I sit on the edge of an old fountain, trying to come up with a plan, or get a few moments of peace, at least. I look around and imagine this place as it was in times past. *It must have been beautiful.* I decide, looking at the elegant layout, mentally erasing the weeds, trimming bushes, the fountain splashing behind me. I sigh "Beauty fades, but never truly disappears."

Re: Abanonded Church & Garden(Christmas Academy)

10 Years Ago

Myrrh: I walked into the garden and briefly glanced around for Malakai. When I didn't immediately see him I thought about going to visit Tannon and Celyn again. Then again Celyn didn't seem to happy about me being there so I roamed around avoiding Eira. Half because I was mad and Half because I tried to kill her with no feelings of regret. I sighed and sat down on a bench.

Re: Abanonded Church & Garden(Christmas Academy)

10 Years Ago

Eira: I hear something and look around "Hello?" I don't catch sight of anyone, I guess I just heard some animal. I stand and start to walk away. If Im going to get even more lost, might as well get lost sooner rather than later.

Re: Abanonded Church & Garden(Christmas Academy)

10 Years Ago

Tannon Maris: I sit on the couch with Celyn and lean against him and read over his shoulder.

Re: Abanonded Church & Garden(Christmas Academy)

10 Years Ago

Eira: After walking for just a little ways, I find myself in the woods, lost, again, but in a much wilder place. I give an exasperated sigh "Really?" I ask no one "Lost? Again?" I sit on a rock and cross my legs, closing my eyes, calming my breathing, slowing my heartbeat, making myself think, calm down "I need to find a way out of here."

Re: Abanonded Church & Garden(Christmas Academy)

10 Years Ago

Tannon Maris: I drape my arms over Celyn and kiss his cheek. He shifts around, trying to escape me but I wont let him. " Stop being so shy Cel." I murmur as I kiss his lips. " You're so cute when you blush." I tell him, tapping his nose.

Re: Abanonded Church & Garden(Christmas Academy)

10 Years Ago

Eira: I stay still despite the fact my first instinct is to move. Jackson always said to take a moment to be calm, so I do. That's when I get an idea. I look around and spot a tree that looked pretty tall, then start to climb it, just like when I was little. If I can get high enough, I can get a rough idea of which direction to go. I reach for the next branch, testing it: sturdy enough. I grab it and go for the next foothold, then my heart stops as I hear a "Crack!" and feel weightless. I scream as I hurtle for the ground, trying to twist so I can catch hold of a branch. I finally grab one, but only with one hand, then gasp with pain, spots appearing in my eyes as my shoulder pops out of socket, the pain making me let go of the branch. I hit the ground with a jarring land on my back, leaving me gasping for breath. *Okay, not a good idea. Definitely not a god Idea.*

Re: Abanonded Church & Garden(Christmas Academy)

10 Years Ago

Tannon Maris: I kiss Celyn softly and twine his hair around with my hand, but before I can do anything else, I hear something just outside the window. A cracking noise and someone falling.

Re: Abanonded Church & Garden(Christmas Academy)

10 Years Ago

Eira: I try to sit up, but dizziness washes over me. *Of course, my arm. Perfect. Now Im lost and helpless.* I grit my teeth and make myself sit up, no matter how fast the world spins. I lean against the tree I'd fallen from, trying to figure out what to do now. I suddenly think of Jackson, my Jack, and feel like crying. I quickly blink the tears away. *He wouldn't want you crying, you're stronger than that.* I inwardly scold myself, trying to stay calm.

Re: Abanonded Church & Garden(Christmas Academy)

10 Years Ago

Myrrh: I hear a loud noise and rush over and see Eira on the ground. Her arm looked broken and bruised.
"Let me help." I spoke softly. Most people thought it was cold compress but I could imitate normal body heat and pulse like blood vessels which caused the bone and vessels to heal together quickly. Like magic. I placed a ninety eight degree hand on her arm and pulsed with her heart beat and directed it at the bone and vessels fusing them together. 

Re: Abanonded Church & Garden(Christmas Academy)

10 Years Ago

Eira: I sigh in relief as my arm snaps back into place, leaning back against the tree. "Thanks, Myrrh, Im surprised you'd help me after what happened, I thought you were mad at me." I admit. "You asked me something, but I don't remember what it was."

Re: Abanonded Church & Garden(Christmas Academy)

10 Years Ago

Tannon Maris: i look out the window and see Myrrh and Eira. " Myrrh and Eira!" I call, " Come in!"

Re: Abanonded Church & Garden(Christmas Academy)

10 Years Ago

Myrrh: I looked at Eira. "Just because I helped you doesn't mean I like you." I spoke softly. I smiled at Tannon, "I was just going!" I called out. Then I started to get up and walk away.

Re: Abanonded Church & Garden(Christmas Academy)

10 Years Ago

Tannon Maris: Celyn pulls on the edge of my shirt. " Okay well, see you at dinner then!" I call back to her

Re: Abanonded Church & Garden(Christmas Academy)

10 Years Ago

Myrrh: I laugh and smile.
"See you then!" Then I walk away towards the garden. I hoped they didn't find me rude for not joining them. I wasn't keen on Eira and I don't think Celyn likes me.

Re: Abanonded Church & Garden(Christmas Academy)

10 Years Ago

Eira: I run and catch up to her "I don't know what I've done to you, but I never said you liked me. I was just trying to answer your question you asked me when you were trying to kill me." I tell her calmly "And I'm not mad at you, so please don't go off on me, again. At least not without a warning, that way I can at least scream a bit louder for help." I say dryly, only half-joking.

Re: Abanonded Church & Garden(Christmas Academy)

10 Years Ago

Myrrh: I didn't laugh, I just looked at her controlling my anger. It was so hard! I clenched my hands into fists.
"I asked you, Why? Why you wouldn't fight. But honestly, I. Don't. Care." I stated gritting my teeth. I spun on my heel, I had a terrible problem. I maybe mad at her but she didn't deserve to be treated like that, she deserved to know the other reason why I was mad at her. But there was no way I was going to tell her that!

Re: Abanonded Church & Garden(Christmas Academy)

10 Years Ago

Eira: I feel the air around me getting colder, and struggle to keep the temperature up for her sake. Things like that happen when Im upset, and I can't really control it. I look to her and make a decision "Whenever you want to tell me what I did to you to make you apparently hate me, come and get me." I shout after her retreating figure. I turn and walk in a random direction, wanting to get lost, not for the first time.