I'm Under 18 Years Old, I'm A Writer, And I'm Proud. : Forum : Ppl who are under 13! Please c..

Re: Ppl who are under 13! Please comment!

11 Years Ago

Hey! I am turning 12 next week. I am writing a fictional journal right now. My family isn't always supportive but they think I'm a decent writer. My friends and English teacher think I'm good, too.

Re: Ppl who are under 13! Please comment!

11 Years Ago

i am ten years old. I am being bullied. I have no hope. My writing may be in a magazine. I am working on poems, books and stories. Please help if u were evr bullied

Re: Ppl who are under 13! Please comment!

11 Years Ago

Hola all :) I'm 13 as well, and for those of you aspiring to write a book, I encourage you to do so! It will be VERY hard, but trust me, it's worth it. I just finisehd my first (cough cough QUALITY) book a few months ago, and I'm having my friends read it. One of them read it in like 3 days and loved it! However, I agree with the person who said theat they'd rather have constructive criticism than a simple "Wonderful...Goodbye." I mean, I look at some books and I think to myself, My writing is as good as or better than that. Apart from my book, I like writing poetry, Haiku poems in particular, as well as some short stories. If you have a few minutes, please check out my work. I hope you enjoy it. ALSO: Thanks, whoever created this whole thing. This is what I need for my writing...a group I can toss ideas at and commune with about a common passion. The writing group I made with my friends is good and all, but they're not all as passionate as I am. Hopefully, someone out here is.

Re: Ppl who are under 13! Please comment!

11 Years Ago

Originally posted by meister
Hey I'm only 12 and I'm a good writer, I have deep writing but I think I'm bragging so I'm going to shut up.......lol Martina aka Little Tiger

I'm 10 and I love to write. I have very deep and meaningful writing as well, so don't worry. Jade aka Writingqueen22

Re: Ppl who are under 13! Please comment!

11 Years Ago

Originally posted by Faolan
i am ten years old. I am being bullied. I have no hope. My writing may be in a magazine. I am working on poems, books and stories. Please help if u were evr bullied

I am 10 too, and have been bullied this year as well. I "feel your pain".Jade

Re: Ppl who are under 13! Please comment!

11 Years Ago

Really, I'm 12. What books do you write. Personally, I'm too lazy to write anything, mine are too shadowy.
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Re: Ppl who are under 13! Please comment!

11 Years Ago

I'm 11 years old and I love writing! My friends say I'm good...

Re: Ppl who are under 13! Please comment!

11 Years Ago

I am 12. 13 in September I love to read and writer and I'm supported by my friends here and at school. I am different than people thing I use lituratre and music as my voice and that's just who I am

Re: Ppl who are under 13! Please comment!

10 Years Ago

I'm 10. I'm in the advanced placement classes and very mature for my age. I love to write and I love english class.

Re: Ppl who are under 13! Please comment!

10 Years Ago

Hey, I'm twelve, too
I really love writing, mostly because it's a way to get my thoughts down without having to tell anyone about it. But I think I'm a pretty good writer, and from what I've heard, others like my writing, too. But I don't like to brag about it, since I would seem annoying if you know what I mean. But hey, everyone's got their strengths and weaknesses, right? :)

Re: Ppl who are under 13! Please comment!

10 Years Ago

I'm 13, does that count? I just really love to write and would LOVE to become a writer one day.

Re: Ppl who are under 13! Please comment!

10 Years Ago

Just want to share a website here everyone.. i'm sure everyone's here a writer with many many experience. so here's the website www.secretheartbox.weebly.com 

the idea is to write or tell stories and experiences anonymously so we can learn from one another and understand other people's perspectives. We can share hopes and advices and share our opinions and thoughts from deep into our hearts. 

I'm one of the editor, it's really brand new, so i hope everyone here will spend some time to visit the website and be the first participant. Thank you so much fellow writers!

Re: Ppl who are under 13! Please comment!

10 Years Ago

MEEEEEEEEEE! Hai there ^.^

Re: Ppl who are under 13! Please comment!

10 Years Ago

I just turned thirteen.
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Re: Ppl who are under 18! comment!

10 Years Ago

Aye, I'm 13 but I've always loved writing. It is just awesome to unleash your imagination on the world without being ridiculed. I love the feeling that I get when I know I've created something worth reading. It's pure happiness.

Re: Ppl who are under 13! Please comment!

10 Years Ago

im 13 and im going to post anyway. :?

I dont think its bad to be proud of what you write. why else would you keep writing? 
Well thatz just my view since i dont ever write for anyone but me. 

Re: Ppl who are under 13! Please comment!

10 Years Ago

I'm 13 but I just adore writing! Writing is my escape :D Check out my stuff sometime?

Re: Ppl who are under 13! Please comment!

10 Years Ago

I'll be thirteen on May 9th this year, but I've been told by most people I meet -- both people online and people in my family -- that I'm very mature and intelligent for my age. Most people tend to assume I'm much older than I am, which I personally don't mind -- I actually enjoy it. However, that also means I tend to fit in better with older people and when they hear my age (I'm not really supposed to tell people, so I'm usually just vague and say 'early teens'), they automatically think of me as a child even though if I'd never said anything, they'd probably think I was sixteen or even nineteen years old. Ironically and rather hypocritically, I tend to think of people in my age-group the same way unless they're more like me and tend to fit in better with mature crowds.

Re: Ppl who are under 13! Please comment!

10 Years Ago

hey!im 13 turning 14 but oh well.writing means everything to me becasue i can express what im really feeling whether it be good or bad. For me, writing has emotion.

Re: Ppl who are under 13! Please comment!

10 Years Ago

Originally posted by meister
Hey I'm only 12 and I'm a good writer, I have deep writing but I think I'm bragging so I'm going to shut up.......lol Martina aka Little Tiger

lol me too