I Am Woman : Forum : Signs...coincidence or fate?

Signs...coincidence or fate?

16 Years Ago

Do you believe in signs? As in if you are resisting something in your life that was "meant" to happen to you, you recieve all these hints and reminders everyday. I feel like I get them constantly, and I have learned to always listen to them. I just wondered of anyone else has.

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

i believe in signs... i think it is fate... i know when i get that feeling deep down in the pit of my stomach i pay attention to it... i also believe in karma... what can i say.

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

sighs yeahh fate.. umm.. we have free will so fate is not there.. just gidelines.. hehe.. ok.. but i do get that feeling that i need to do something.. i listen to them. they usaly turn out great.. other cases i get the feeling some one is in trouble and usaly are or something bad is going to happen.. just listen to them all.... you never know who is watching over you..

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

I am torn on the topic..I believe in free will 100%. I ma also a big believer in karma. I have seen that play out 1 to many times to not have some faith in it. I dont know if we get signs because I am "meant" to do something..but if not that why else?

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Signs do exist, they're all out there.
I lost my soulmate 10 months ago, give or take a few days... and when I'm really down, i "talk" to him and usually he does something to make me realize he's still around.
it can be a song on the radio, or an email from someone you hadn't heard from in ages, or anything... my sweetie sent me lots of signs when I needed them, so I believe in fate/signs/afterlife 100%
I know he's still watching over me!

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Absolutely; I believe in fate and that things happen for a reason but also that it is up to us to notice the signs and take the oppotunities before us.


[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Yeah. Whenever someone new enters my life, I believe they've entered out of fate. And when they leave, it's fate also. It has a funny way of showing itself too if you think about it...

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

I think signs and fate go hand in hand.. i beleive in both if that makes sense.. we don't always listen or take the signs seriously but they arre there.
An interesting question.


[no subject]

16 Years Ago

I do believe in signs (and fairies ;-)

So often I have little signs that pop up in my day that are too freaky to be mere coincidence. One thing I can advise is to always listen to that little voice in your head, it will never steer you wrong. You know which one I mean, that little nudge in the back of your consciousness that tells you when something doesn't feel right... I try to take note when I hear it.

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

I believe in BOTH karma and signs or fate. I think everything happens for a reason and that we are to look deep in ourselves to find out what was the lesson behind it all, be it good or bad news we gleam from our inner search. I think that people come upon your path for a reason. We are teaching tools for eachother and mainly ourselves. I try to be good so that karma is kind to me. But also know things happen as they do in my dreams...NOW that is a WHOLE nother story. All that I've seen, I believe in just about everything completely.

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

I believe things happen for a reason. I think as people we grow better from the bad stuff that happens in our lives. It makes us stronger, it makes us wiser. I think we need to go through the bad to appreciate the good. Call it fate, call it what you want, things happen the way they are suppose to. Yes there are people who do not really go through bad stuff, their lives seem picture perfect but when bad things happen can they really handle it. Those of us who have suffered are truly strong and can handle what life throws at us. I think the incidents that are thrown our way are fate, we have the free will to choose how we react to them and what we take away.

Just my two cents


[no subject]

16 Years Ago

This is a good thread!

If I choose a path and everything goes wrong, and I have to fight it really hard. I should be smart enough to know - that I made a wrong turn!

I KNOW when I'm doing something I shouldn't be - I feel it in my gut.

On the other hand, If I'm doing something right - good things happen and If I'm on the right path, I do get signs. Little "atta-girls" (I call them) along the way.