I Am Woman : Forum : PMS


16 Years Ago

I am not the nicest person doing that time of the month. I have severe mood swings and feel...I guess homocidal. ::confused:: What about you ladies?

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Grumpy, defintely don't want to be around me!


[no subject]

16 Years Ago

I used to be really bad... i would get the worst cramps in the world (making me a mega b***h because of the pain) i went on BC now i am just minorly moody - but i still hate that time - esp. in the summer - SIGH!

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

BC is my life saver.. hehe.. i use to get these really bad cramps and back pain i could not even get out of bed b/c of them. and i have a huge pain tolerance.. now i am just moody a little mostly the day or two before i start.. other then that it just sucks bc you have to change all the time.. grrrrrrrr..

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

I am a poster girl for pms. I am extremely moody, touchy, grumpy, inpatient, and I get cramps from hell for 2 days straight!!!!

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

my cramps use to literally keep me in bed for two days, with a heating pad on and I was actually on muscle relaxers - none of it worked... finally after a few months of that (it only began like that in my early 20's) i went to the gyn - after several months of testing differnet types of BC i found one that was low est (b/c that woud give me headaches) and i am essentially cramp free - THANK GOODNESS!!!

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

BC is a life saver/life changer. I have never been really moody, but ow there is no pain really...the only major sie effect is I eat at least 1 to 2 cakes over the course of a week and a half...not so hot for the diet. ::confused::

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

i know this is probably going to upset some of ya'll but i've never had craps or anything during that time of the month ...but if it makes you feel better my cycles are irregular and can usually last anywhere from 7 to 14 days!!!! which sucks but i guess it's my curse for not having cramps or going through an emotional rollercoaster... ::cry:: ::cry:: ::cry:: ::cry::


[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Yeah, I'm pretty much the biggest b***h around. lol. Plus this medication that I have to take...man, that makes me even worse. aha.

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

I don't get cramps... but I do get gas... and I get really moody for about a week or so before it. By the time it's here... three words: Duck and Cover.

Me and a friend of mine developed a term for it.

BBS= Big B***h Syndrome. ::biggrin::

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Originally posted by Nicole Sebula
my cramps use to literally keep me in bed for two days, with a heating pad on and I was actually on muscle relaxers - none of it worked... finally after a few months of that (it only began like that in my early 20's) i went to the gyn - after several months of testing differnet types of BC i found one that was low est (b/c that woud give me headaches) and i am essentially cramp free - THANK GOODNESS!!!

I totally agree with Nicole. Although, in 1992 they diagnosed me with cervical cancer and I had a hysterectomy. So, no period for years. ::biggrin::