I Am Woman : Forum : Dr. 90210

Dr. 90210

16 Years Ago

Has anyone ever seen this show...

I just saw a preview for what I am assuming is the new season... a younger female (if i had to guess early 20's) in the commercial was so very excited to get a new labia... i dont even know what to say about that... i had to share it - with other women to see what their thoughts were...

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

A new labia? That is really unusual. I guess she wants to do porn. I personally don't give my labia that much though in terms looks. I'm more concerned about cleanliness I guess.


[no subject]

16 Years Ago

You have to be kidding me...they can do that???

Judging by the zip code this woman can afford to be crazy.

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

amazing isnt it...

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Originally posted by Yira Simone (kitty Cat)
You have to be kidding me...they can do that???

Judging by the zip code this woman can afford to be crazy.

LMAO - I didn't know either!

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

And I thought botox injections was crazy...this tops all in my book. Replaced...how the hell did she lose or ruin the first one??? ::confused::

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Originally posted by Yira Simone (kitty Cat)
And I thought botox injections was crazy...this tops all in my book. Replaced...how the hell did she lose or ruin the first one??? ::confused::

lol!!!!!! ::biggrin:: ::biggrin:: ::biggrin::

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Originally posted by Yira Simone (kitty Cat)
And I thought botox injections was crazy...this tops all in my book. Replaced...how the hell did she lose or ruin the first one??? ::confused::

LMAO... i am reading this during my lunch break... now i have to clean up the pepsi that just shot out of my mouth from laughing so hard...

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

lol where have you been Catrina? if they can create fully functional vagina's that look perfect like you were born that way for sex change operations they can certainly redo a woman's labia these days! The best work being performed is over in Thailand tho, not anywhere in the states.

Originally posted by Yira Simone (kitty Cat)
You have to be kidding me...they can do that???

Judging by the zip code this woman can afford to be crazy.

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

in case anyone is interested in more information on a Labiaplasty here's a link:

also in my other post i had brought up the realism in the vagina created for srs being performed over in Thailand. if anyone wanted to see the results, here's a link:

faerie blessings...

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

I saw this woman on Doctor 90210, I think she was addicted to plastic surgery. They showed her getting her labia cut up--it had a black box over the area but it was enough to make me want to vomit! A woman should only have her legs spread like that for one reason...

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

why should a woman or man be shamed by their genitalia? why is it wrong for this particular woman to "spread her legs" for an intention other than the one you suggest with your inference? America is so close-minded about the human body and our natural sexuality,

faerie blessings...

--faerie whisper

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

I forgot all about the sex change ops...that would mean replacing or adding parts. I think they block out the surgery in case some kid comes across it. Don't want to traumatize the young any more then Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton has. LOL It is odd the way our country is so prudish about sex and they were the ones who left England to have freedom in every manner of their lives...go figure. LOL

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

i think the rest of the countries are pretty liberal on sex issues except for the states ... i mean there are a few others out there that our a lot more prudish than the states...

but whats the deal with us... why are we so embarrased by our bodies and sex...
i was at a bach-ette party over the weekend and the bride was a bit too embarassed to carry a glowing penis shot glass...