I Am Woman : Forum : cheat


16 Years Ago


i dunno if any of you want to deal with it-
but i have a sticky situation
and i will give you further information, if youd like to help
or give advise-

but i just found out that my love has cheated on me with one of my friends.
do i give him another chance, beacause hes my all?-
or do i leave him, since he did lie to me about it


i am not sure.


[no subject]

16 Years Ago

one of my good friends slept with the same guy i had been sleeping with... sure the guy was a jerk for doing it - but she was supposed to be my friend... sigh

if you want to chat about it - send me an email ...

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Aw. It's been my personal experience that "once a cheat - always a cheat"

You deserve someone that values YOU enough - not to hurt you like that.

Both your friend - and the guy.

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

I don't know...that is a sticky one. I have done both and have not regreted my choice for either case. One bf cheated on me, but he was not good for me although I loved him senseless, so I let his a*s go and that trifling friend of mine too. As for the other case, it was with another unknown person to me, and this person really did love me and was good for me, So I forgave him. You have to choose what is right for you and what would you be willing to live with for the rest of your life. No two cases are the same. This is one you have to figure out on your own. Unless he is abusive...I have not idea what to tell you. ::confused::

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

mon cher,

if he's cheated once, lied, found out and you haven't dumped him... well he's learned he can cheat, lie to you, get found out and you won't dump him...

so... how would you feel if he were to do this again?

faerie blessings...

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

I've always said that I'd dump a guy if he ever cheated on me. Then I fell in love with someone, he cheated, I forgave, he cheated again, I forgave again, he cheated again, and I left. He came crawling back and begged forgiveness professing his ability to change. He's been "clean" for a year now.

Ask yourself this - can you look at him every day, honestly tell him that you love him, trust him to go out of the house alone, and accept his mistakes? Because cheating is NOT something that you can forget. It is NOT something that will ever be relegated to the back of your mind. It is something you will live with every day. Can you handle that?