I Am Woman : Forum : I need help!!!

I need help!!!

16 Years Ago

I recently started dating again which is really exciting. My now boyfriend is great we haven't become sexually involved as of yet, also fine, I have my devises so I'll be ok. hehe. But I kind of feel as though I'm going to be really disappointed when it does happen. I know so of you have been in this situation before (and if you haven't please lie) where you has this great guy that you've started to like soooo much but haven't had "relations" yet and have thought about many times how you would molest him and where and how great it would be......sorry having a moment......ok! lol!


I just really don't want it to suck but I know it will. I know I'm just setting myself up for failure here but sex is really important and it can be a deal breaker. I mean I know he could be trained but he's 29 and I'm 24 so he should be the one that shows me a thing or too right? I'm asking way too much I know he's a great guy we have great conversations and we have a great time together and ok yea I told him no "relations" until we get to know each other (it's been 4 months) and I can tell you all there is to know about him I mean I've met his parents!!!!!! (no he hasn't met any of my family members..because my family is nuts!!! and yes I know this is bad but I am that girl that if it doesn't work the 1st time I'm not going try again and that's why I've waited so long and now I really like him and I don't know what to do...please help!!!



[no subject]

16 Years Ago

In my opinion...

They don't call sex, love-making, and they don't call love-making, sex for a reason. Or at least I see a HUGE difference.

Making love with someone you truely care about and love makes it so much more intense and amazing.

Sex is just sex. A minute or 40 of heavy breathing, grinding and sometimes even screaming. Nothing too intimate about that. (Don't get me wrong, down right rauncy sex is pretty fun sometimes =D )

Also, I'm in a relationship that doesnt allow a lot of time for doin' the deed because we have a son (thanks to the deed! haha!)...and I've noticed It is usually more intimate if we wait a longer period of time before doin' it, making it so much more beautiful. So waiting is NEVER a bad thing, to me!

So, what I'm pretty much trying to say is...if you do it, and you really care about this guy then give it a try and just let your feelings guide you.  DO NOT over think it too much. Try not to poisen the water before you drink it, sweet girl! =D

Good luck my fellow woman!!!



[no subject]

16 Years Ago

I could not type a response you...the computer kept messing up.


How did it work out for you?


Blessings, Lynn

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Ok sorry I haven't updated in a long while...


So far nothing has changed we are still dating and continuing with a great relationship w/o doing the deed!! Eventhough I still question how this is really going to work it's like having a really good friend in middle school that you can make out with. Lol, but I guess in a way this is going alot better then any other relationship I've ever had and I'm amazed at all the will power that I've had over this last month....I mean don't get me wrong I still would like to molest him a few times a day!!! But I'm holding back...or at least putting forth the effort..


I have to admitt that I am starting to feel like he is pushing away and getting frustrated with the situation. For example Thanksgiving weekend we spent it together at my house watched old movies fell alseep on the couch..it was great but towards the end of it we got in this big arguement about how much he cared for me and wanted to be with me in other ways etc. Don't get me wrong for the beginning of the weekend I had plans on making that weekend THE WEEKEND, but after that I couldn't do it, it made it feel forced and being that I'm way to proud to be forced into something expecially from a guy it just never happened. Eventhough everything has been going great since I just have this feeling that what he wants from me he's getting from someone else. But then again it could just be me over thinking thing once again. Well I have to got to school now thanks for the help



[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Just go with your heart, and I think everything will work out alright.  If you both are in love, and truly care for one another then that will come out in the love making!  As far as this man being the end and all for you if it does not work out; not so, you will love again, and this will not break you!  Trust me on this..  Take care~~~