Let's Write A Book! : Forum : Book Ideas

Book Ideas

13 Years Ago

I dont care what the ideas are. Just give some:)

Re: Book Ideas

13 Years Ago

Well, lately, I've been having some seriously annoying writer's block. But I have an idea or two from a long time ago that I was too lazy to write.

The first one is about a rich heiress who lives on her father's Southern plantation during the Civil War. She and one of the slaves have had a secret relationship for a few years now, and they thought that everything was good, and that nobody knew. But then, she found out she was carrying his baby, so they decided to run away. The book is about their path to freedom. I know that a TON of Civil War stuff has been written before, so I'm pretty sure that's not original and that nobody will be too thrilled about that idea. But I felt like posting it here. I also have the prologue done, if that matters.

The second idea is about (gasp) forbidden love. The main character is a Hindu girl named Ari who falls in love with an American. And she wants to marry him, but her parents already set her up with another Hindu man. She tries to convince her parents to let her marry who she wants, but everything goes wrong. Like, the American ends up seeing her without the veil over her hair, and all this other stuff, and it makes her parents hate him. So eventually he goes off someplace (like war or whatever), telling Ari to wait for him. But then after a few years, she got impatient, and ended up giving in to her parents' wishes and marrying the Hindu guy. Then the American comes back, and...Yeah. I'll stop there before I get too ahead of myself.

Forbidden love has definitely been done before, so I don't know if any of you would want to write about that idea. It's just a suggestion. And I just realized that it kinda sounds like The Princess Bride...in a way.

So, if you haven't noticed by now, I'm not very fond of my own ideas, but I felt like I should post something. Maybe with your guys' help we can take one of my ideas and change it around a little to make it more interesting.


Re: Book Ideas

13 Years Ago


In my second idea, instead of American man, I meant a Christian man. I made it sound like Hindu was a race, not a religion. Sorry :s