Lone Oak Saloon : Forum : Hullo everyone

Hullo everyone

15 Years Ago

Hullo guys,

Thanks for the invite mate, how you going?



Ian "skinner" Jordan

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

Welcome. Doing good sir. Thank you for joining the saloon come on in & grab a barstool.

I know that as of late westerns have seen a decline in book sales, but I also know the classics never die. A true grit heart warming story of pride, honor & values...how can that ever go away?


Anyway welcome, I look forward to reading your work & getting to know you.


T.A. Duncan

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

Andrew, my apologies sir, I want to extend a warm welcome to you as well. Thank you for joining & for adding me to your group as well...hell I think you & I have the only western group on here.


Amen to you brother.


T. A. Duncan

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

Thanks! Hey, Ian, do you start a thread like this in every group you join? lol haha...
Yes I think these are the only western groups. Maybe there are one or two others. Lemme go check.