Lone Oak Saloon : Forum : No Subject

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No Subject

15 Years Ago

Hi ya'all,

Not sure how how ya do this but here goes, never joined a group of writers before I'm new can ya tell. I am looking to interact with writers who are writing westerns. Yup! I'm unpublished so far but that ain't stopping me. I'm just having fun writing them. I have finished two of a three book series, the third one is under way. Started another story last year and having fun with it.


[no subject]

15 Years Ago

Hullo Sam,

How you going? Being in a writing group can be a very good experience for you as a writer. It gives you a chance to mix with other writers and bounce ideas around. You get some good reading too, so its win win really.

Catch you soon,

Ian "skinner" jordan

Re: No Subject

12 Years Ago

Hello you all. I am also an unpublished author. Westerns are just one of the Genre that I write in. Have a couple short stories done and many started. Soon hoping to publish.