Looking for potential editors for literary magazine : Forum : got magazine?

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got magazine?

1 Year Ago

Hello, Dariana~
idk how old your post is. i just got here (10-23-22).
Scrolling through groups at the Cafe here, I saw this.

In general, I'm looking for writers who want their
work edited, but am also about building a presence
with publishers and publications.

I've worked in a range of areas and genres but
well-edited composition is germane to the art of
writing itself, and transcends categories, imo.

I have a website, with a resume there. It includes time
with a magazine, as well as some published books.
I've done more than the resume shows, and can send
verifiable amazon links for more recent freelance book
jobs with a press in Tennessee. I can be contacted by
email via the website or here at The Cafe through my
display or username.

Hope you caught the pun in the Title box. Looking
forward to your response.

Best Regards,
Pat F.
display name: pefordFreshEyeEdit
username: TheFreshEye
website URL: