Midnight Academy : Forum : Outside

Re: Outside

10 Years Ago

Blake: I growl, biting his ear and tearing it, while he snapped at my paw, cracking it. We both yelped in pain, then pulled away to circle each other, not hearing anything else. I growled and attacked again, claws flying and ripping at fur. 

Re: Outside

10 Years Ago

Waters: I turn away. Scared,jealous that he gets to fight jasper and I don't . Blake,was his name I think.

Re: Outside

10 Years Ago

Blake: I bite again, then pull away, just as injured as he was. We had always been evenly matched at everything. I growled. Neither of us were one to give up, but now there was no point in wasting my energy on a rat like him. I turned and started walking away, and he did the same, both of us limping. He curled up around the girl, and I wandered around aimlessly. 

Re: Outside

10 Years Ago

Waters: I run over to him. "Hey wait!" I say "I want to thank you. You did amazing." ((Just going to the doctors I'll mail you when I'm back.))

Re: Outside

10 Years Ago

Nilakanta Moonblood: I walk through the garden, kicking a pebble. I couldn't stop thinking about Matt.

Re: Outside

10 Years Ago

Blake: I huff. "We're evenly matched." I muttered, continuing to walk. (Keep following him) 
Jasper: I curl up around her, trying to keep her warm. 

Re: Outside

10 Years Ago

Nilakanta Moonblood: I turn a corner and see some other students fighting briefly.

Re: Outside

10 Years Ago

Waters: I gently stroke him on the shoulder. "You did fine." I whisper.

Re: Outside

10 Years Ago

Aisling: I wake up and feel something soft and warm next to me *Odd.* I open my eyes and freeze. It's a dog, a huge one. *Werewolf? Oh, right, Jasper said he's part werewolf.* then another thought surfaces *Why was I asleep, and why is he next to me?*

Re: Outside

10 Years Ago

Matt: I walk outside clutching all my drawing things to my side. I saw Nila and I quickly turned around. I realized most of my drawing were of him.

Re: Outside

10 Years Ago

Waters: I turn my head away from the boy and face the girl. Asling. "To be honest I never really wanted your boyfriend anyway. It's fine now,I have my own. Oh yeah,did I mention he's his twin and hates his guts?" I laugh,almost eviliy.

Re: Outside

10 Years Ago

Aisling: I sit up and look over at her "My boyfriend? What are you talking about?" I ask, confused.

Re: Outside

10 Years Ago

Jasper: I look at her gently, still trying to calm down. >I'm not werewolf. I'm a demon wolf< I said. Blake: I grin and follow her.

Re: Outside

10 Years Ago

Nilakanta Moonblood: I see Matt walking in the opposite direction and see a paper drop from his arms. I pick it up and realize instantly it was of me!

Re: Outside

10 Years Ago

Waters: "he's called Blake." I tell her "and don't deny it you are totally in love with jasper."

Re: Outside

10 Years Ago

Aisling: I stare at her "I am not in love with him. What gave you that idea? Never mind, I don't want to know." I stand up and start walking to the girls' dorm. *Great. I get embarrassed and have someone target me on the first day. New record.* I think testily.

Re: Outside

10 Years Ago

Matt: I flipped through all my drawings and realize one is missing and I spin on my heel. Nila has in his hands! I didn't what to do. I stared maybe if I kept walking he'd think someone else did it? I couldn't move. My cheeks burned.

Re: Outside

10 Years Ago

Nilakanta Moonblood: I walk over to Matt and smile, handing him the drawing. " Quite a masterpiece."

Re: Outside

10 Years Ago

Jasper: I follow her. Blake: I growl quietly.

Re: Outside

10 Years Ago

Matt: I snatch the picture and shove it in my journal. " Thank you." I whispered. I looked down trying to cover my pink cheeks and I turned to walk away. Thoughts raced through my head. I didn't want to like him and I wouldn't.