Midnight Souls : Forum : New Contest

New Contest

16 Years Ago

Gore and Grime 101
Jun 21, 2007 - Jul 21, 2007
Win uhm.... satisfaction? :D

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16 Years Ago

Contests are always good. Hope a lot of our members try it out.

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16 Years Ago

I tried!

I am not sure about it though.

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16 Years Ago

YAY!!! ::biggrin:: u always come through chloe!!!

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16 Years Ago

I sent Spectral Exile for the contest. This is the story that Jenny (HorrorGal) doesn't want you enjoying and if you do she insults everyone that enjoys it.

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16 Years Ago

i entered alright, i used all my 3 chances already, but i did'nt do stories, all poems, i think it's a wicked, awessssssom contest, i love gore and horror, so i hope to see other writings, i am anxious to see what sickness lives beyond my screen :D.

however other than the poems, the stories i hva eread are really good! i love them, but i don't think or maybe everyone has a defferent idea of gore and grime, but when i think fo gore and grime, i think brutal, sick twisted, dirty morbid things, not just horror stories with blood in them....which is what i have been reading, it's not my contest, but i just think people should really think about the title of the contest before submitting. Like i said the stories are great, somthing i have not mastered, you guys write brillaint stories, but for the contest, i wish i could see some really demented stuff (there is a thin line between horror and gore & grime).

cheers! stay brutal!

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

ok i finally found my gore story in the contest wow! all i can say si murder is can be beautifull. it's called bathtime

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16 Years Ago

I am really new at this but I'll give it a shot. I am writing a short story now, very rough draft currently. I'll put it on msword and get the formatting corrected and spelling. Actually, I am excited! Even if I don't win I am honored to be able to at least try. I think pushing yourself to do better can only make yourself a better person.

Anyway... sorry if I talked too much. I like the group and look forward to reading all of your stories.


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16 Years Ago

I gave it a try with 1 short story and 2 flash fictions. They may not be gory enough, but I wanted to try it out, anyway. ::cool::

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16 Years Ago

very cool u guys... i'm reading all your entries now... please encourage others to join! :D

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16 Years Ago

I put my three prose poems in for the gore contest. I must say, it was really disguisting writing it! I hope I win something. ::biggrin::

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16 Years Ago

I'm going to try something different.. that one was a little 'lovey'.. im going to think the most yucky things i can think of! ::drool::


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16 Years Ago

I write a lot of different stuff, but I have to admit, gore is a bit distressing to write. On the other hand, you can really let go with the darkest, most vile s**t your mind can conjure up. It's very therapeutic. Let the bad ponies run and use all your chances to enter... I have a few more sick puddles festering somewhere, as soon as I get them written, I'll enter them too.

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

i definately enjoy ur stuff bill... and evryone elses... i'm glad at the stuff i[ve been getting... very gore guys... keep spreading the word to those u think cud do well in my contest...

remmeber i got a new one up called Gruesome Suffering... but u gotta b a member of my group Gore and Grime Slaves first... all the links are in my sig...
