Newbies! : Forum : Knock, Knock...

Knock, Knock...

9 Years Ago

No, this isn't a knock, knock joke (but feel free to write some in the responses if you know any good ones). I just joined the site this morning and am looking to get the word out. I've been interested in writing for as long as I can remember. I wrote my first short story when I was six, about a country mouse who is scared to leave his hole until his city-mouse cousin convinces him to come for a visit. The country mouse finally works up the courage to see his cousin but ends up being eaten by a cat. In high school I attended a college fair and told everyone who asked that I wanted to be a novelist. Each representative in turn would give me a momentary quizzical look before turning to the next student to ask about their interests instead; that's when I knew for sure that writing was for me. I've had a short story and a couple of poems published at a couple of small-time online journals unheard of even by their own editors. I miss the old college style writing forums where students would pick apart each other's work and help them revise. I've tried that on facebook or just emails to friends, but no one ever wants to be truly honest, so now I'm trying it out among the anonymous masses. My first submission is up, so feel free to have a look and leave a review. I look forward meeting some fellow writers, but not making friends (because friends don't give honest reviews).