Nicole and Jackie's Plane : Forum : W-A-T *~*Week 1*~*

W-A-T *~*Week 1*~*

10 Years Ago

Pluggin' right along this first week.  Wrote up what I need to accomplish to be successful this week.  I had to order Swoon on Amazon.  My library didn't have a copy in stock. I pretty much just had to pay shipping because the book was only $.01 - I think when I'm published I won't look to see what the used copies are going for.  A penny might depress me.

Re: W-A-T *~*Week 1*~*

10 Years Ago

  My house is a million and a half degrees.  This insane heat has gone out of its way to deter me in terms of productivity.  Finally tonight I caught a break with a cloudy sky and the world’s strongest bug spray known to man on Deet steroids.  I finished my Chapter 1 edit in my 3-day timeline.  Take that stupid heat wave and mosquitos!

Re: W-A-T *~*Week 1*~*

10 Years Ago

Week 1 went well for me, overall.  I accomplished the items on my short little list.  I must admit I was pretty surprised how much of Chapter 2 I completely rewrote.  I was feeling pretty confident that the first four chapters were pretty dialed in and would need minimal editing--just polishing really.  And I was wrong.  Not that being wrong about that was a bad thing.  That article I found about the Slush Pile really got my wheels turning in terms of keeping the reader engaged and interested.  And I know it doesn't stop after the firs page.  You must keep the reader hooked throughout.  Anyways, this is my Monday morning ramble.  Have a wonderful week :)  I need bacon!