Nocturnicon De Shadow : Forum : Meditation/Healing


17 Years Ago

meditation is a very simple actualy and can have a significant effect on your magick as well, since in order too realy accomplish something in magick you have too have control of your mind too a certain extent and be able too focus on one thing instead of the average person who focuses on three too six every second.

meditation : Sit comfortably,relaxing the body as much as possible without slumping or alowing the spine too curve. help loosen tight muscles by doing some of the following excercises

1. allow the head to fall forward on the chest.
breath deeply in and out three times then return too the upright position.

2.allow the head to tip fully back breath deeply in and out three times. return too upright position.

3.tip head as far as possible too the left, breath deeply in and out three times return head to upright position.

4.tip head as far as possible to the right,breath deeply in and out three times then return head too upright position.

5.allow head too fall forward, then move it in a circle clockwise three times

6. reapeat step five

7.breath in ,through the nose with a number of short sharp intakes until the lungs are full hold it for a moment, then exhale through the mouth with a 'hah' sound, repeat last step three times.

8.breathe in slowely and fully through the nose, feel your stomach balloon out as you do this, then exhale slowly through the mouth feeling your stomach flaten as you do this, repeat three times

Now focus your thoughts Until you can can see in your mind your body incased in a pure white energy, feel the energy charging through your entire body,

now focus the energy on your toes 'command them too relax' let the tension melt away, now do the same with the with arch and the heals and then the ankles, do this section by section until your whole body is complete and empowerd in the pure white light..

take your time and do not let time slip into your mind let all the stress and thoughts of every day life leave you abandon the material world focus on yourself within yourself

It is only when you can let go of the materialistic ego self that you can find the door too the inner kingdom and your higher self

when you have completed that step !

focus your thoughts on your forhead, focus inward instead of outward, let your eyes roll up, draw the energy into your third eye letting it flow naturly at its own speed, yield yourself too the magnetic pull upward do not pray or visualize anything just relax and be at complete peace and let your energy flow in the third eye and upward from the top of your head. what ever sensation happens follow it in your mind, maybe a light maybe a sound move twords it.

warning Do Not Become Fascinated Or Frightend with the phenomena you will loose the meditaion process by train of thought

at first the first few times you practice this you will more then likely loose it but do not give up it happens too every one new too energy work but like any thing with practice comes skill and you will get better and better at it till you accomplish it

the fact that you will loose your meditation the first few attempts is cause you have never traind your mind before so it is not use too the discipline, but once it is disciplined you will begin too notice things that you did not before, deeper intuition, you will begin too know things you did not Know before and understand things that never made sense before, this is proof that your meditaion is working and the power of your Chakras and third eye is opening, you will recieve clearer thoughts, and stronger train of thought.

for your mental and physical well being it is important that each meditaion is ended in a closing like each ritual has a closing of the quarters and so on so does energy work...

you must reawaken the counscious mind.. now step by step as you enterd the sub-counscious start with the toes and focus on clearing the white light and "commanding to wake up vibrant refreashed and alive" then the arch and then the calves step by step till you reach the forhead and the third eye "command awaken refreashed vibrant and alive"

Through meditation you will realise a major diffrence in your inner peace and immediate inner satisfaction and tremendous peace of mind, not only is your spiritual counsciousness awakening, but you are revitalizing the physical self, as you begin to tap the great cosmic forces that are your birth right.