Obsessive Compulsive Writers : Forum : How do you come up with new st..

How do you come up with new stories?

14 Years Ago

I'm curious to know what others do when they want to write a new story. How you get ideas and how they begin writing it?

Me? I usually write based off of dreams. I remember my dreams well. Instead of just jotting it all on paper, I wonder about this dream several times and imagine everything in it. All the areas, the characters and enrich the once dream into a awesome plot and world. I have to usually go over the plot in my head several times before it works out the kinks. Then writing is the easy part. This is also the reason why I never have writers block. I always have a new dream to write a story off of. Though I can write based on other things. My book RyuKyuYo is based off of anime/video games.

My poetry just comes out. Like "pop" literally. No Pre-thoughts or attempting to write.

[no subject]

14 Years Ago

I usually come up with my ideas based on the everyday things that go on around me. It's also often triggered by key words people use around me.
For example, the storty I'm currently working on was inspired by my spanish teacher when  he was talking about the romance languages and their origins.

It's simple things that have me scrambling for a pen. :)

[no subject]

14 Years Ago

My imagination works overtime most of the time. Generally the character comes before the story. Just out of no where BAM!!!!! Inspiration strikes, I have a new character and shortly after wards I have a story. It's kinda hard for me to explain. It's kinda like, as if the character tells me their story. But I'm not crazy or anything lol.

[no subject]

14 Years Ago

Well it comes in many different ways, like songs, the rain, and a whole bunch of other stuff...