Painaholics Anonymous!-pure Brutality : Forum : How far would you take pain?

How far would you take pain?

17 Years Ago

Pain is in most cases considered aweful just f*****g not good...
however there are those who consider pain to be lessons learned, or pure pleasure.

Some get pleasure out fo violent actions, images, or thoughts, while other get ti from a sexual euphoria.

So nwo the question at hand, how far can you take pain, do you liek any kind of pain?

What form of pain would you try or have tried, maybe even like?

you can ask yoru own questions, and no need for details, btu lets make it fun and brutal, everyone has a fetish how about pain?...

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

I actually consider everything in life balanced....for example without love there wouldn't be hate....with out life there wouldn't be death....without joy there wouldn't be pain....some consider these opposites, I on the other hand actually consider them closely connected.....for example...if you drew a circle with a pen, the starting point would be pain and the finishing point would be joy...but if you look closely the two are side by side.....not sure if that makes any sense only describing the the diagram without any visual but I hope it does....

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

well your points are clear and they make sense, a visual discription is not always needed, either way from the perspective you chose to talk about it made perfect sense, you are also looking at pain in a positive way, not by the action or the experience you ahve to indure, but the end result of that experience is the joy of pain...
which is perfectly fine, but what about the begining and the middle, can the starting and enduring of pain be pleasureable?

Or is it just a fad? a chemicaly induced numbness that allows people to liek getting hurt, because they are not feeling it if there minds are not aware of th epain they are feeling?

Or is it that they just like the actual feeling of hurt?

Is a complacent state of mind that allows this pleasure?

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Good questions and unfortunately I don't have the answers....every aspect in life requires endurance....or perseverance....pain is allows you to realize you are alive....the minute you cannot feel pain is the minute you are dead....subconciously I think I am more welcome to pain....comfortable with it....maybe it is just me but when things seem "too good" it scares the ever-loving s**t out of me...maybe because I am slowly waiting for the disappointment to come for whether the middle of my description is pleasurable I cannot answer that....many find the process of pain....I was more or less trying to communicate my belief in balance of things....for example one thing cannot exist without it's opposite....they practically define the other.....and in response to your "chemically induced numbness"....I resorted to "numbness" for the better part of my adult is easier that way....I am actually trying to return to that state but have been letting the emotions get the best of me fed me I am balancing out the love with the hate to let some emotions recede....pleasure is different for everyone....I take pleasure in making other's happy while sacrificing my own happiness....maybe be cause subconsciously I like being miserable....because than I cannot destroy a Stabbing Westward song states, "everything I touch I break"........

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

wow that was brillaint! and you even quoted Stabbing Westward! which i'm listenign to right now (darkest days)lol.

but yes i also beleive that with out pain there is no way to knwo if your really alive, the search for happiness and no pain is probably everyone's search, but life needs a balance liek you said, and we just have to be in control of our emotions, btu that just goes for those who have trouble with being hurt, the other who just liek being hurt i gues already have there balance.

but what i find funny interm sof feeling pain to be alive is the "new" rock culture emo rock...
i think they use this whole pain makes me feel alive as pathetic excuse for attention, because the thigns they say they hurt about are often pointless.
and they may say they cut them selves because they need some where to hurt becasue every where hurts and they need to knwo exactly where hurts so they cut them selves, and it also makes them feel alive...
but in my opinion every body has pain and some people the strong ones over come it or they try and work with it, they try and be above it, nto let it hold them back, so in that case of emo rock culture i can't be a fan or respect it.

btu godo points though, very cool cheers!

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Stabbing Westard "Darkest Days" is one killer album...."Drugstore"....I'm usually more hip hop oriented but those guys are phenomonal.....

I agree with you on the emo is a sad, pathetic attempt at's all about how bad their lives they hate everything...daddy didn't love them disease or something....everyone has pain...the strong hide it or mask it....hell I hurt the majority of the time...I'm usually harboring contempt or disdain in some form or another but if you see me out you will not know it...I will mask it with humor....anger and rage behind a porcelain smile....I don't need to listen to these whiny little fourteen year olds who have no idea about the hardships of life complaining about how miserable they are....chances are they have a roof over their head, food in their pantry, money in their wallets or take your s**t a*s eye liner and mascara and your fake a*s persona elsewhere is what I have to want to see pain...volunteer at a homeless shelter...take a walk down the streets of the ghetto....don't sit at home cat scratch cutting yourselfs in your quarter of a million dollar suburban home.....

I always say "it is what it is and will always be" complaining won't change anything...hell my ranting right now won't change anything either, so what must we do? Accept it....move forward....what is that saying? If someone gives you a lemon, make lemonade? Hell....if someone gives me a zucchinni I'm gonna try and turn that b***h into lemonade as well......

My main problem with soceity is conformity and authority....who has the right to tell me what I can and cannot do? Who can set limitations on me? I'm supposed to follow laws and rules that were created when I was still swimming around in my daddy's nutsack? Please....and for those who want you to be something you are not to fit a certain "mold"....f**k that too....last time I checked we were the "land of the free" for the "home of the brave" part I'm not too seems the younger generation is a bunch of whiny little cocksuckers....who don't realize how good they have it in the days of technological advancements.....myspace....XBOX 360's, IPOD's, I Phones....all of which cost them nothing out of there pocket.....I remember having to fast forward 35 minutes to get to a sex scene on VHS these damn b******s have the option to do "scene selection" or I remember having to rewind my favorite song over and over to listen to these kids got CD players and IPOD's with the "repeat" technology.....

Well....I don't know where I started on this rant or how I got to where I finished but I hope you enjoyed the journey with me....

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

so far i'm in agreemen twith alot that you say, as for society and the comformity, i think that hey there are basic rule sof life that we have to follow for our own survival, there is also rules that unfortunately are created by the government and we have to follow them, so atleast give us our righ tto play what we want and wear what we want, and say what we want, because after all they already have us paying taxes and paying bills and we have to obey laws like partying to loud after a certain hour reqires police visits with a warning. we give them that bc hey peopel want to sleep plus we don't want to go to jail.

but when someone is goingot tell me that i can't dress a certain way because it offends some oen else by what's writtenon my shirt etc, i tell them where to shove it alright, but then i don't give a f**k really, because i ask for very little and i do what i want as much as i'm allowed and beyond.
but yea lets not stray frm the opic at hand i guess it's just you and I will be here for awhile t6alking abotu this lol, becaus ei realise that this site is a very weird place :? people have huge ego's and they barely open up to alot nto the exact impression i got from the first time i came here, i expected writers and visual artists to have that one thing in common, open minded behaviour, but they don't...
so i am happy when i find the very few people who do have similar interests as i do.

I don't expect alot of people in my group, i don't even expect alot of people to enter my contest, because alot of people who i thought wrote great related themes are just disapointing right now, and i just wanted to try something so i guess when septemebr come si will see exactly how much people are actually open minded enough to try something new.

or better yet the ones that are already here, i hope to see some stuff form them and hope they don't bore the living s**t out fo me i hate being bored, i mean people i expected things from are just a kill joy right now...anywya cheers! i got smokes i'm good they probably can't write anything write now just like me, i seem to be unable to write anything for some weeks now.

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

No doubt...I get bored rather easily too...honestly this site was interesting for all of a week...then I was like...hmmmm just attention w**** one reads anyone's s**t, they just want you to comment them and tell them how amazing they are....but oh well, what can you do? This is the world we live in....

Anyways I'm at the resort and the bar is calling my name....I will have to get back when I feel more like ranting....take it sleazy bro....