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Paiton and Megan : Forum : Chapter Two

Chapter Two

8 Years Ago

Ebony was a small demon. He's still huge, but out of the Heklenfer demons, he's one of the smallest. At least he's not an uncorlin; they can be as small as a rabbit. The heklenfers aren't the largest, that title is held by the itoriks who are big jerks if you ask Ebony, although the Heklenfers are the next biggest. They can grow to the size of bears. Ebony's family happens to be on the smaller end of the scale, but in Ebony's case, he was tiny. This is what he was silently raging about while he tried to keep up with his much younger sister's much longer legs.
"Come on Ebony we're going to be late to class." Ebony's little sister, Onyx shouts to him.
"Sorry, Onyx, but you know it's a bit hard to walk for me." He says throwing her a glare when her back turns. He tries to speed up a bit, but his toes catch on a hole in the path, causing his already throbbing hip to be anchored to the ground while his body throws forward. He hits the ground with a splash, and he's soaked to the bone with the muddy water left over from last night's rainfall.
"Oh!" Onyx cries, rushing over to help him. "Are you okay?" Her black hair tickles Ebony's nose as she bends over to help him up. Onyx helps bring him to his feet, and then she helps him walk the rest of the way.
"Is it because of your bad leg?" Onyx asks, the spiky scales above her eyes are drawn tightly together.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Ebony sighs, and the pair continue down the path until their school finally comes into view. They walk through the open black iron gate, and Onyx's claws click on the cobblestone pathway of the school. Ebony's ears twitch as he picks up on the whispered conversations around him.
"He's so weird." 
"That's the kid with the curse right?"
"Ew he looks so weird. Where are his claws and scales." 
"He looks nothing like a heklenfer if you ask me. More like a dikeshnay."
Ebony struggles to make it look like he didn't hear any of that, but it's hard to keep from wilting under the weight of all the other children's disgust.