Party! : Forum : Setting a date..

Setting a date..

17 Years Ago

I think it's time we got serious about gettin' this party started. How about we finish all preparations for Friday and have the party get going on Saturday 21st?

That just gives me time to go get a manicure....

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

and a Brazilian wax, LOL!


[no subject]

17 Years Ago

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzscrumph! waking up alone in a bathtub of ice dressed most ridiculous, what happened did I miss it?

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

Lee Can't do weekends, but I'm not sure he will mind, to be honest.
Okay, someone hug me now.....

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

(Hugs Ebby)

Yes, weekends are when I go "Full Pirate" and can't be bothered with internet. My feelings won't be hurt if you wish to have the party on a weekend, though.

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

(Buries her face in his neck, sighs)

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

Hey you two this party has to last at least a couple of weeks, dontya think? LP will just have to pretend he has delhi belly and be hiding in the loos in the imbetweens. ::confused::

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

Oh great. Then everyone would say, "There goes Lee: he sure does poop a lot." I'd rather not be known for the over-regularity of my bowels.

How about every Friday afternoon (my time) throughout the party, I shall begin my impersonation of a mannequin and won't finish until the following Monday morning?

Or that I go out for a "beer run" but the store is completely circular and the cashier tells me that the alcohol is in the corner and, since there are no corners, I wander around aimlessly for two days until I just give up, buy some jerky, and head back to the party?

Or, every Friday, all of you simultaneously stop believing in me and I cease to exist until Monday when one of you remembers that I do, in fact, exist and I magically appear, covered in jellybeans (because one should always arrive at a party with a treat)?

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

You will never cease to exist at weekends.
I will fill in for you though. I could say things like...

"Actually, I think you'll find that x is equal to the sum of the whole parts, but only when metamorphosized with a killer dwarf, comma comma."

Ahh, it's as if you are here...

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

Like LP, i can't do weekends due to non-computer status.

Guess i could go to the library and use theirs...

...with cocktail in hand... ::cool::

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

Ebby - you seriously crack me up!

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

Thank you Claire.

Kizz, darlin' I won't be here from the 25th until the 4th as I'm in Af-ree-ka-ka-ka!

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

I've had three parties while you bunch have been trying to organise one. Where are the naked ladies?! Where is the vomiting in the potplants? Why hasn't there been one drunken argument about nothing descending into fisticuffs followed by lifelong friendship? Have none of the women become upset at the drunken fumblings of their boyfriends? Where is Amber? I bet she's sitting wallfower like in a corner hiding behind a notebook pretending to be shy. I am gonna find her and drag her out into the middle of the dancefloor and get her moving moving moving,

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Where is she? The music is Brazilian and I wanna dance the Amber samba!

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Amber has indeed been throwing up and sobbing behind the potted plants!
She claims she has tried to catch your eye for days,
but you are always off with some hula-clad girl or other...
She passed me this note, along with her room key to give to you,
but says this is your LAST chance. It takes two to tango AND to samba, according to Amber. She may have had a few too many New Orleans-style Hurricanes (they DO come in those great glasses!)
It's getting late, anyway... shouldn't we just have a Mosh Pit?

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

I can cry behind a pot plant, it will distract you from the fact that I am stealing all the buds off the top and smoking them by myself, lonely....

[no subject]

16 Years Ago


someone's drunkenly-enthusiastic dancing knocks over a drink and the glass smashes...

could be fisticuffs on the horizon...

who did it?
whose drink was it?

I'm off to hide...

[hey - who moved the door? f' fuckshake]