People Who Like Mistical Creatures : Forum : Favoruite one?

Favourite ones?

14 Years Ago

So, which mystical creature takes your fancy?
It's vampires for me, but the ones that don't sparkle ^^ Im also quiet facinated by centaurs...

o.o omg I misspelles 'favourite' *eek*

Re: Favoruite one?

14 Years Ago

For me it's werewolves (Not the ones that are just big wolves, I'm talking monsters that can run on two feet) and pheonixes. I like the idea of bird - or any creature for that matter- that can rise from it's own ashes and live forever.

Re: Favoruite one?

14 Years Ago

My favorite has got to be vampires. Their pure sexuality and seductiveness is amazing. I love the thought of having to use blood to survive. It leaves many possibilities to how a vampire can be and will be created.

Re: Favoruite one?

14 Years Ago

There's something about necrophilia that all women like, right? XD

Re: Favorite one?

14 Years Ago

My personal favorite is elfs. I'm not sure why....I guess I just do. Though I like all mythical creatures[ogres, werewolves, vampires] I like elfs best. Oh, and I know this is of topic but I do not like Twilight! The auther compleatly ruined the idea of vampires! Vampires are monsters not lovestruck idiots [though the are alowed to love]! And there supposed to burt into flame when exposed to sun not sparkle!.........I am very sorry I just had a outburst thats all....sorry.