Phantastic Phantasy : Forum : 60,000 Words and 77 Days, Let'..

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60,000 Words and 77 Days, Let's Go

14 Years Ago

If you asked my friends to discribed me in one word, they would all say without pause of thought, "Procrastination-Queen" (I just put the - there so it fit better. I'm fun like that) The only way I've ever accomplished something is when I had a dead line. Well, back in January around the 17th finishing Tunnel 51 by January 1st seemed like a pretty good goal. I've stuck to it. It seemed easy at first, no relationships to bother me, time management was under my belt, no play rehersals or auditions, I could see the book on a shelf in Barnes in Noble when I was listening to nuerotic Gibbs. Well... I have 77 days left to finish it, I'm on the Colorguard, I have a boyfriend, and Mid-Terms are coming pretty fast along with that deadline, and I'm a little over the halfway mark for this book. It's only 32,802 words right now. The minimum is 60,000 and that seems like a pretty good goal to me. So here is what I ask of the fellow writers... Moral support. That's right, I've been working on this book for 4 years, each time hitting the Eelete button all the way back to the Title, which I never was happy with. Quiet frankly I'm still not happy with it, but the editor can help me out with that part. Right now that Delete is looking pretty tempting, but I've already come so far. This is a story based off of a dream I had back in 6th grade camp. 6th grade camp feels so long ago... only 4 years though. Friends, give me a hand, I know you don't know the plot very well... well AT ALL for that matter, but I need help filling in the other half of those 28,198 words. I'm sending out an SOS


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14 Years Ago

Hi Soho
I always find that breaking it down into bite size chunks helps. Divide the number of words by how long to get how much you need to write each day or week.
Then do it. Treat this as the minimum amount you need to write. Also, at this stage forget the editing, just write it.. You're not looking for anything more than a complete first draft. Also, speaking froom personal experience, Destroying nothing.
Avoid the delete button unless you're editing a copy. The truth is, you can learn a great deal from your mistakes.

Hope this helps.

PS  Just Do It


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[no subject]

14 Years Ago

I find that setting aside some time to write each day helps. Even if you don't feel like writing that day, sit down and do it because once you start, writing something, you'll get into writing what you need.
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14 Years Ago

I find that the outline works best for me. If I get tired of writing one chapter or get blocked, I shift to another in my outline list for a while. Oftentimes as Im writing another chapter I come up with the ideas I need to finish the previous. I also agree with setting aside time every day to write. I am the biggest procrastinator on the planet but when I actually start to write I can't stop.
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14 Years Ago

Dear SohoNights,
Though I am a novice writer that has just graduated high school in May of this year, so I am neither an experienced writer or a critique. All I can say is to always believe in every idea that comes to mind, don't delete it just yet. Learn to add unexpected to expected. A good book is one that grabs your attention. So don't give up. Picture your name on that library book and your name on that book. Imagine the countless happy people that will read your book sometime in your life. When you feel like you are losing your faith in your own abilities, for a change, don't believe in yourself; believe in the people who believe in you. Let that be your motivation. It is my wish that everything goes well for you.

Stephen Scaggs