Project: Writer : Forum : Zoe's Getting to Know You Well

Zoe's Getting to Know You Well

17 Years Ago

Hey, well I thought I'd do this too just because...well I wanted to hehe ::tongue::

My name is Zoe, I will get in trouble with my parents if I actually said my last name. They really are very paranoid but I guess that's ok??? ::mad:: So anyway, I'm 14 and I live in the U.S.A. in a small unknown state called Oregon. It rains like mad in Oregon for about 9 1/2 months out of the 12 we so live in. Ok, so maybe that was an exaggeration. More like 8 1/2 but still, too much to my liking. My ideal place to live would be Hawaii but my parents don't like the heat.

Oh yeah, I am adopted from China. I totally forgot about that, hehe. I have a sister, two parents (of course), a dog, and two cats. My current story in process is Musical Theory, which at this point may have a different title but for now I'll keep it with that. I write a lot of poems and short stories. I currently have a novel in process which I have been working on for nearly a year. I haven't finished it, and honestly it's the last thing I want to do. I am going to miss my lovely characters!

So check out my work and enjoy! Send me your work and I'll review it! :D

Luv Yas, Zoe

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

Hello there! I'm Chris but I go by my freaking sweet last name - Wacker. I'm 14 and I live in Missouri. My Comm. Arts teacher is in love with me because she thinks I'm such a good writer. Actually all my teachers do because we write our own plays for class sometimes. And yeah, I don't mean to brag but mine are always the bomb diggity. Obviously, I'm going to pursue a writing career when i become of proper age, specifically screen writing. I prefer my writings to be visual, it almost always makes them better. So yeah, check out my stuff, review it, rate it, whatever just read it.


[no subject]

17 Years Ago

I'm Shannon. I am 15, turning 16 soon. I experiment with my writing; trying all sorts of different styles, formats, lengths, and subject matter. I have only been writing for a year now, so I am a fairly new writer. My main story is Run From Reality, which has two parts so far, and I am attempting to write a story about a girl with Leukemia.
Well, I hope you enjoy my writing!

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

Hello, I hope to read some of your stories soon! I've only been writing for a month or two, but I've got six chapters in a science fiction novel and quite a few poems up already. Check them out if you like sci-fi, I've been told they're pretty good. I'll probably write my first short story soon to enter in the groups first contest, too.


[no subject]

17 Years Ago

Hey! My name is Taja-aka Tj and I will be turning 17 in 6 days.I've have been writing in general for 4 and a half years now. Normally I write poetry, but occasionally, I write short stories. Right now, I'm working on a project for a series that loosely based about my life, about playing a certain sport that didn't work out so well for my

Well, thats all I have for now.

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

Hi, I'm Brad and I live just outside of Nashville, TN. I am 27 years old and am not the most experienced writer, but I have found that I have a bit of a naturaltalent for it. I have always been a heavy reader and I have been a songwriter for around 10 years. I am taking a Fiction Writing course at MTSU this coming Fall, which afterwards I hope to be ready to start sending out stories to Lit. Mags for publication. As of now that is the only goal for my writing, to be published in Lit. Mags.

I am starting to try the minimalist style of writing (as in Hemmingway and Ray Carver) and would greatly appreciate any help. I will be happy to read and review your work, so just send it to me. It may take me a little while (a couple of days) to get back to you, but that's because I am really analyzing your work and also because I tend to be quite busy sometimes.

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

I'm Alex, 42, and I live in the Northeast. I'm currently working in the field of addictions and I run a treatment program helping people in the addiction recovery process. I've been working in the field for 19 years and I've been writing for a year or so (though I've been threatening to write for much longer). I am currently working on a memoir regarding some of the more interesting aspects of my life and this field. My writing style is humor based, memior short stories. I've plugged these stories to various critiquing friends who have all told me to do more, write more, and start getting working book together.

Some of writings are on writer's cafe and some are not. My ultimate goal (like most) is to get published, but my short term goals are chapter/book generation and work critique.

[no subject]

17 Years Ago


Yep, I'm shaun and I believe I'm 28 but I'll probably be turning 29 next week I think. I'm from Michigan, originally Ohio though and hopefully someday will call Toronto my home. My writing is all over the place as far as genres. My weakness in writing is grammar and missing words (I get too far ahead of myself at times) but I feel that my strengths fall towards developing characters and introducing unknown puzzles. I love writing series, I believe I have about 7 or 8 going right now on my profile with the main one being "Hey Little Buddy...", which is up to part 33. I also have introduced a new series titled "Harvey" (I believe I have 13 or 14 parts posted). I love writing "Harvey" because it feels so natural and easy. I think that's it. Oh yeah, I'm an insomniac with an eating disorder too - so that definitely helps fuel my passion for writing... and I love to laugh.

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

Randomly...I just joined (the group). My name is what you see <--- sans my last name that seems 6 letters too many. I live in Maryland and I'm a semi hermit/ computer geek/Photoshop Junky when I'm not writing or reading. I'm the kinda writer that could list my own WC reviews. Anyway, I've been thinking of starting such a gourp as this...but here it is and that cool.