Raving Ranters : Forum : Welcome

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13 Years Ago

Welcome to Raving Ranters, PLEASE tell us something about yourself!
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Re: Welcome

13 Years Ago

That was quick. Been here a few days and already started a group.

Well, anyway, I'm an Australian Liberal Democrat, Discordian and very pro-American, pro-Obama and anti-Palin.
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Re: Welcome

13 Years Ago

The group I was in kicked me out for offering constructive criticism and posting anti-Christian writings, So i figured I couldn't be the only one in the cafe looking for a more accepting place to share their views. I'm an American in America, I'm a Libertarian, Anti-Obama and VERY anti Pailin. The Tea Party would be cool if they weren't shoving Christian values into the government. Libertarians say "the government that governs the least governs the best" (to maximize freedom) and Pailin's Tea Party says "Yeah, Let's do that but make everyone Christian!" while Obama's Dems are like "Guys, If we just put rules on everything, everyone will HAVE to get along!"
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Re: Welcome

13 Years Ago

Close enough. So long as you don't say anything along the lines of "god hates f**s" or "Alabama's to close to 9/11 for a mosque" it's all pretty much a petty disagreements about economics, the space program and, apparently, whether or not laws about vehicular safety equipment are unconstitutional.