Roleplay X : Forum : characters

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11 Years Ago

since there were no posts yet i thought id make a place for us to introduce charries if you dont mind that, heres mine:

name: alice hazelwood
appearance: green eyes, freckells and short brown hair, wears dark clothes and sneakers
personality: mischeviouse and ready to follow the lead of pranksters. loyal.
abilities in any sci-fi/ fanticey roleplays: kinesis user, varies throughout different rps.
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Re: characters

11 Years Ago

Name: Nova (no one knows her last name)
Appearance: About 5'6", short boycut black hair, light green eyes, dark pink lips, usually wears cocktail dresses or leggings and a band t-shirt. 
Personality: Witty, clever, kind, caring, fun to be around. Very wild, random, and always looks at the bright side of things, but is dangerous.
Abilities in any sci-fi/paranormal rp: Can kill you with a single thought, or bring you back to life with a single thought. Teleportation.
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Re: characters

11 Years Ago

Name: Zaria Kotechi Age: 17 Appearance: Tall, long black hair, wears a black cloak and black clothes Weapon: A large sword called Dragon Slayer Personality: Quite negative
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Re: characters

11 Years Ago

Name: Hortensia ParrisEye Colour: BlueHair Colour: SilverAge: 17Other Features: Light Brown Skin, Her Hair is So Straight it Looks Like a Team of Stylists Went Mad Over itHortensia is on the rebels side. She's a beautiful girl, tall, and well built. Hortensia is stronger than any 17 year old girl in the rebellion. She usually wears a plan black tanktop with a short dark jean jacket with dark jean short shorts and hightop high heels that she can run in like mad. Hortensia hates the King and wants them to perish in flames. She has a scar on her right shoulder. Hortensia is a master fighter with a sword, bow and arrow, and physical, no one has ever beat her. She grew up on her own with parents who joined the King. Hortensia used to live in a beautiful palace with everything she could ever want, but when her parents joined the evil king she left it all behind to join the Rebellion.  
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Re: characters

11 Years Ago

((I have so my OC's that it's not even funny.  However, I'll introduce one guy and one girl character.  I decided that since everyone else is has pretty powerful characters on here, I'll share my not-very-powerful OC's.))

Name:  Wren Locke
Gender:  Male
Age:  21
Appearance:  - Straight dark magenta hair that curves just about his shoulders (almost a bowl cut but a bit longer)
    - Black thick rimmed glasses
                    - Lime green eyes
                    - Pale skin and complexion
                    - Ear piercings and a tribal snake tattoo on the side of his neck
                    - Dresses semi-studious.  He's not completely dressy but he's not completely casual.  You'd find Wren wearing dress shirts, sweater vests, khakis, etc.  
Occupation:  Most of the time, he's a librarian.  In any plot involving a library, you can bet he'd be running it.  If not, he's a bookstore owner.  Whatever setting he's in, you'll find him with books.
Bio: Wren used to be a juvenile delinquent and was a member of a gang during his teen years.  Normally, Wren would be involved with theft or occasional murders of members of rival gangs.  However, one day came when Wren was ordered to rob a home that was above a local library.  In the home lived a lone elderly woman who had many antiques in her humble abode, some being quite valuable.  But, in order to rob the place effectively, Wren was ordered to kill the woman to avoid witnesses.  Wren infiltrated the home by breaking into the library.  He passed by the rows of polished shelves holding collections of books of all kinds.  He entered the home and was on the verge of robbing the place when suddenly he was caught by the woman in his act of theft.  Immediately, he drew his knife and was about to end her life.  But, he couldn't bring himself to murder this innocent woman.  Instead, he withdrew himself from the premises and returned to the gang empty-handed.  In return, they were infuriated with him and beat him severely.  He was officially exiled from the group and was lying on the street injured when the woman came to his side.  She realized that for his deed of sparing her, he was punished and nearly killed.  Sympathizing for the suffering teen, she took him into her home and offered him a new path in life:  to work as her apprentice so that he may take over the library when she's gone.  And that's how he remains in his occupation to the current day.
Abilities: He can fight physically in hand-to-hand combat and with close combat weapons such as knives or rods.  He's no sword-master or anything.  However, considering how long it's been since he's focused on fighting, his skills have weakened.

Name: Valenne Midas
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Appearance: - long straight crimson red hair that hangs down to her mid-forearm with swooped bangs
   - dark chestnut eyes
                   - normally found wearing a white tunic, an emerald green vest, and walnut leather trousers.  Also, she wears an apron around her waist.  She also wears a golden pocket watch pinned to the left side of her chest.
Occupation: Valenne's main job is a bartender.  Anywhere there's a tavern or pub, you'll find her behind the counter serving drinks.  Don't get the wrong idea.  She's not THAT kind of bartender.  In fact, she has no interest in flirting with the drunken men who attend and if anything, only engages in a conversation with sober ones.  Even then, she's not flirtatious in any way.  On a good night when the customers aren't making complete fools of themselves and she's not too busy serving alcohol, she'll be lounging on a stool with her feet propped up on the bar playing the lute.
Bio: Not really much is known about Val's past.  She mostly makes a living by tending to bars at pubs and resides by herself in her own little abode.
Abilities:  Can wield a shotgun/rifle type of gun.  Normally she keeps one around if some hooligan decides to rob the bar.  She's had some practice.  However, she's never killed anyone.  

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Re: characters

11 Years Ago

Name: Precision Takes Age: 17 Appearance: She has long curly auburn blonde hair, almost like goldilocks. She is tanned and slender but strong looking also. She is very beautiful and her eyes are an emerald green. She is at least 5 foot 9 inches and 129 lbs. Personality: She is amazing and very outgoing. She is very athletic and loves to do cheerleading volleyball and other things of that stature. She is very social and all the guys love her for it. Abilities: -- Mind control -- Telepathy
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Re: characters

11 Years Ago

Name: Vladimir Seance, Race: Vampire, Origin: Romania, Year: unknown Age: physical age 23, Status: Immortal. 
Appearance:  photo Vampire_Armand_by_Vampiria69_zps7ff6ba3e.jpg
tall and has a devouring smile accompanied by a horrific laugh. Intelligent, devious, charmer, 
Abilities: The ability to think even in a tight situation and strategies a game plan that will favor own odds. Ability to survive without feeding on human blood although he opts to feast to his hearts content when the mood pleases. Does not possess super strength or speed or hypnosis or just doesn't show he does. Uses intelligence, charm and deceptive methods to  accomplish goals. Carries dual war-glaves which on contact with blood empower Vlad with the memories of the host victim so the kill is more personal to him. 
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Re: characters

10 Years Ago

Name: Lilith Miko
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Witch/Spellbinder
Background: Lilith came from a very rough past. Her parents and her village were killed by witch hunters who had a thirst for blood. Now she is the only one left of her blood. Her family was one of the few ancient clans left, and with them gone the rest of the old clans are dying out. Now she wonders through the world in search of others like her.