Summer of '13 Novel Challenge! : Forum : Hello!


10 Years Ago

Good Day everyone! I'm Young Dreamer (18 years of age and female if you are curious) and I've wanted to be a writer since I was about 12. I was always into reading, even when I couldn't do it myself(my mom would read to me all the time). So at the age of 12 I decided to write my own novel. It turned out... well lets just say it's not exactly a collected book more like a bunch of jumbled ideas. Ever since then I've had too many thoughts to put a single book together, It's quite frustrated to say the least. So this summer I've decided to pick an idea and stick with it. Like a roach stuck in honey. (wow. Bad metaphor.) So my book this summer will be Angel (if you'd like to see a description swing on over to my page by clicking: HERE! )... Anyways I really hope to actually FINISH this novel and look to all of you for guidance and support! I can't hope to get any better unless I get some actual feedback on this thing! So! I'm going to say a big THANK-YOU now because I'm sure all of you will be helpful! Also! if you'd like me to read your work I currently accept read requests but if you friend me and ask me to review you over PM then I will do my best to get over and review your novel as quickly as possible! I try to give very honest and constructive reviews so all I can ask is that if you would please do the same in return I'd be forever grateful! Thanks again ~Dreamer!   

Re: Hello!

10 Years Ago

Thank you! I will love to start reading as soon as possible :)