Sylien House Of Night : Forum : Can we start now?

Can we start now?

11 Years Ago

I decided I would also create a professor, so we have more teachers now, too.

Re: Can we start now?

11 Years Ago

Other charcter, so we have more teachers. Professor Kalandra, gender: female, infiinty: dead-on accuracy in the skills of martial arts, class: martial arts, age: twenty, a very young professor, appearence: tanned skin, dark brown hair, amber eyes, blue tattoo with a picture of two crossbows and karate swords around her cresent moon.

Re: Can we start now?

11 Years Ago

heh yea I'm so getting ready to do this and i also am making a second character.

Re: Can we start now?

11 Years Ago

If you make a second character let me know ASAP because I am making the group a page and yes we may start now. All rps will move to the group page after I post it. (: if you can't it can stay on the group page