Tg Sisterz : Forum : Welcome to TG Sisterz!

Welcome to TG Sisterz!

17 Years Ago

Greetings everyone, and welcome to our new group here on Writer's Cafe: TG Sisterz!

I've looked through WC and haven't found any TG specific groups so I figured I'd start one! I know I'm not the ONLY TG author here on WC! LOL

Once we get a few members signed up I'll set up our first contest!

Any suggestions for this group..., please feel free to submit them to me.

Brightest Blessings and lots of Bunni Huggles,

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

Hi hun, not a TG myself, and you are the first TG I have ever met, hmmm, maybe not met, ah, known, that would be better. I have a few gay friends, but none are, or have the desire to be a TG. But thanx for the invite to the club. You rock hun! XX

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

Hey girl!

Happy to have you here amongst us! :)

Faerie Blessings!

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

Hello, this is Tamara, your average TS from central NY state. Just thought I'd intro myself to the other members. Some might say I have a weird outlook to life that I put into my writing, but I would say that my outlook on life is sometimes just that: weird. On of my "hobbies" is to play with the english language. For an example, read my short story "Cheap Techno".

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

hello all!

my name is amy eileen. i consider myself bigendered rather than tg but i hope i am still welcome here. i do feel strongly on tg issues and hope that gender stereotypes and barriers continue to fall. writing has helped me sort out the sometimes confusing world of living as both man and woman but ultimately as myself.


much love!


amy eileen

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

I'm personally not TG but my last girlfriend was. She was post-op but I remember how scared she was when she told me a few weeks into us dating. We don't date any more but we are still really close. The strength and courage that any TG has is astounding, and I am amazed by you all.