The Artists! : Forum : I AM A SPAZ


15 Years Ago

Just a warning, guys... :)


IM NOT MEDICATED FOR IT! It's just hyperness... and now i slap Elemiah for sayig that you all will dejoin once you read that I'm a spaz. Most of you know that, right? WHOOOOOOOOOo *spazz-ness*

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

... *slaps Kantola with a dead chicken* Shut up, will you shut up! I am your king! (I <3s Monty Python for anyone who gets the reference)

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

I think that fact would be hard to miss, Kantola, even for boneheads like me. ;D

Regardless, though, spazzes are fun; anybody who's easily scared by one is...weird. 

Jester: The only quote I have doesn't quite fit the situation. >; "Ding ding ding diiiing...FIVE FOUR THREE TWO ONE!"