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It's amazing yet sad

8 Years Ago

Today my book reached 1400+ views and neither on the story version or the book version have I received more than a combined 3 reviews for the overall work. I'm glad so many have read it yet sad so few could take the time to comment

Re: It's amazing yet sad

8 Years Ago

“Do not sit still''Matthew and ponder on the fact who is not reviewing but look at it as a ''positive'' of how many people are reading . If we as writers keep thinking this way ''we would all be stuck in mud''. Let's not give up hope and faith. 
Keep doing what you love to do.

I look at this review is better than a bad review...hope that makes sense.
maybe not the answer that you need..but just trying to give you a little encouragement..maria
stay focused..


Re: It's amazing yet sad

8 Years Ago

          Not to be a purveyor of misgivings but unfortunately I don't find it at all amazing. I believe you have to consider that not every person that looks at your writing means they're actually reading it, and not every person that starts reading it actually finishes it. My personal experience with online written works is that once they've seen how long it is and realize how much of their time it would involve most choose to go find something else to read. For myself it took me almost five days of giving it perhaps around about an hour a night to read it all the way through.

         For the most part, the online crowds tend to have rather short attention spans and there's an unimaginable amount of other available material your works have to compete with. After all in comparison to staring at some mindless viral video, reading takes at least a modicum of effort and concentration.

         Still, it's no reason to allow that to hold you back. From all of the “How To Write” and “How to Get Published” books I've read probably the best advice I've ever seen was to always write for yourself and not others. That way if you're the only one that ends up reading it, at least you've enjoyed the creation process.

      -Keep on writing.

Re: It's amazing yet sad

8 Years Ago

there are not many things that I have a lot of confidence in in this life, but I have supreme confidence in my ability to tell stories in written form. when I say sad I do not mean to say it as in crying sad I mean as in shaking my head I know it was awesome but you could have left a word to tell me that