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Questions to the group..

8 Years Ago

1. What were the early influences on your writing and how do they manifest in your work?

2. How does writing change the writer?

3. What books have fortified you as a writer?

4. Why is the unconscious mind a writer’s best friend?

5. What are you working on now?

Re: Questions to the group..

8 Years Ago

I will take a stab at this (your New Years resolution not using those).

1.  I love books and write poetry.  A little weird.  My High School did not teach Creative Writing.  It taught college prep, but I loved "Faust".  Influences on me came from music.  Prior to my teenage years it was Simon and Garfunkel.  "Sounds of Silence" specifically.  Moving into to teenage years it was "King Crimson- In the court of the Crimson King., and really old Genesis.  I don't like their new stuff, go backwards to "Trick of the Tail". And lets not forget Uriah Heep.  I like Fantasy, and loved "Harry Potter".  Although supposedly it is a children's book.

2.  I don't think writing changes the writer. I think it validates the writer.  I think all writers are intense and the rest of the world is not until maybe you remind them.  At least of poetry anyway.,  Maybe books are a different story, haven't gone there yet.

3.  I read to escape, much like someone else watches TV.  Slice of life is really big right now.  I am in law enforcement  I have seen way to much life, when I read i want something to grab me by the throat and transport me outta there.  But I write something different.  I simply do not know how to answer the question.

4. The unconcious and I can't spell it, tells you what to write  I can't count the number of times I was going to write about this and wrote about something else.  I will go so far as to say in every instance what it had to say was better than what I did.

5.  I am writing poetry.  After an almost 30 year absence.  I plan on writing a book, but it will have to wait until I retire  years from now.  Not sure I can stick with it that long but we will see.  

Re: Questions to the group..

8 Years Ago

Chuckled at..(your New Years resolution not using those)  :) 

So happy you that you are getting acquainted with the group and you took a stab at answering the questions. Thank You 
maria :)