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How to better my writing

5 Years Ago

Hey there writers ! I need some advise. I used to write a lot of poems and stuff before I joined a university and now after completing my degree, which was not related to literature, i feel like i am having a writers block and that i cannot write as good as i used to. Help !

Re: How to better my writing

5 Years Ago

It happens to every writer. It’s inevitable. 
Start somewhere, anywhere. Write a few lines. Say anything. And see what happens. Don’t think about it too much or make any fancy announcements. Just write. It doesn’t need to be eloquent or presentable; it just needs to be written..Write for the joy of writing. Because you can’t not do it. Don’t try to say or produce anything; just get some words on paper, now. No excuses or justifications.You can write. Don’t make it harder than it has to be. Just type a few words. They don’t have to be good (all first drafts suck). It just has to be written. Then you have something to work it. You can tweak from there.If you do this, you’ll get past the hump. I promise. The difference between professional writers and amateurs is this: Both encounter blocks, but one pushes through while the other gets paralyzed.You can do this. Just write.  

Re: How to better my writing

5 Years Ago

another good way is collaboration! Get together with a friend or ask someone on this site if they would be interested..

My friend and I are collaborating now because we felt -
(we were both rusty) it is a boost to get you back into writing..hope all these ideas helped you.Good Luck!
maria -