The Dark Ones : Forum : The Brain Tree

The Brain Tree

17 Years Ago

*IMPORTANT: The object of this "game", if you will, is to create a story, poem, etc using the wacky trivia/quotes/other things I give you guys. And believe me, they will all be wacky. Think of it as a mental exercise if you ever get writer's block, or if you ever just want to challenge yourself. As part of the new hierarchy and points system, if you write a story with this trivia, send me the link, and I'll give you the necessary points. ::biggrin:: *

Lipstick has some unusual ingredients one of which is fish scales.

Gabriel is responsible for the Moon, Monday, and the zodiac sign of the Cancer. He is the only angel to be mentioned by his name in the Coran (Djibril in Arabian), and he is often depicted as a woman.

Fall Out Boy had a song,"The Pros and Cons of Breathing", on their first album, "Take This To Your Grave".

A) Sandusky, Ohio- A man was charged with negligent assult after he shot his wife's hat thinking it was a rat. The hat was on his wife's head at the time. The same man had previously shot himself in the foot while trying to shoot a rat.
B) Norfolk, England- On August 8, 2000 five inches of fish fell from the sky. The fish were indentified as Sprats, and their reason for falling is unknown. A similar event happened in Ethiopia.

A fear of long words is, ironically, called "Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia".

Homely criminals get 50% longer jail sentences, on average, than good-looking criminals.

Firehouses have circular stairways because the engines were at a time pulled by horses. The horses were stabled on the ground floor, and figured out how to walk up straight staircases.

Lillian Millicent Entwistle - actress
1932 --- suicide by jumping from the 'H' of the 'HOLLYWOOD(LAND)' sign.

There are 18 different animal shapes in the Animal Crackers cookie zoo.

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

This was a great idea!

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17 Years Ago

IT will take me a while but I will see what I can come up with I want to do something that quotes Victim Of A Higher Space by Algernon Blackwood..

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16 Years Ago

OMG! some of these really made me smile. except for the actress jumping off the H, that was sad, i wonder why i never thought it was possible?

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16 Years Ago

I don't think I quite get the concept here... you make a poem or story with what is given above...but what part? or all of it? are there rules? How should it be interpreted?

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Sadly, I have decided to shut this mini-contest down. We'll still have the word of the week, but the Brain Tree is no more. I'll leave it up here for the rest of the month, in case someone wants to use some of the trivia in here. Sorry guys. I just can't keep up with this thread anymore. :( I'm so swamped.