The Dragon Riders : Forum : The Beginning

The Beginning

9 Years Ago

Celeste Angelica: I looked up at the sky from the hilltop I was laying on. I usually watched the sky closely, waiting for Ethereal to return. Ethereal was the last Angelic Dragon on Earth. She only stayed her for me, to train me and keep me protected. I knew about the Prophecy, that I was apart of it. One day I would meet other Dragon Riders like myself, and we would save the world and bring the Kingdom out of the shadows. My training was long and intense, at certain points I had thought Ethereal had turned on me and wanted to kill me. But in the end I knew she was doing this to make be strong and brave. Don't get me wrong, she's very loving and like a mother to me, but she's a tough teacher. We lived in The Enchanted Forest among fairies and other magical folk. I loved it here because I felt like myself with other magic beings. I had never met another human before, so sometimes I would feel lonely, but my fairy friends would always brighten me up. They called me the Celestial Human, because I was the only human able to control the Celestial Magic's. One day I would met other humans that had their own type of magic, a magic like their dragons. I just wish that day would hurry up and get here already.

Re: The Beginning

9 Years Ago

Roof Chrishi: I woke up, lying on Brinsingr, taking a nap together. I can't remember since when we did this, but we got tired at the same time, took naps at the same time, and woke up at the same time. It worked in the snowy mountains considering that Brisingr is a fire dragon and he is oozing warmth, literally. We wandered around the world, looking or adenture considering it was fun and we had many friends in the world. This time though, we were in the forest, a hole in the map, and we were here to map it. It would bring in quite a bit of money and we could be lazy for another year or two. It would work out well. I quickly got off of Brisingrs back and materialized a sword, a black sword with dark blue waves being emitted from it and a chill surrounding it. I could control all the elements, but a darkness-ice sword combination was always my favorite, and pretty darn effective too.

Re: The Beginning

9 Years Ago

Adrian: I sit in front of the Buddha statues that were the main pieces of the temple before I freed Strygius from his prison. I recite the daily mantras and after my morning prayers are finished Strygius crawls out of the darkness. He had slaughtered all the other monks in the temple and the surrounding towns, covering the area in a miasma of darkness. He whispers to me that soon others will appear, that there will be a great battle soon, and that I must take part. We debate back and forth on the matter of our involvement in the battle. After a few hours of debate we train. He uses the darkness that surrounds the mountain to try and escape from the bonds I have placed on him. I know that if I  lose this fight he will kill me as he has the others, but my faith over powers his darkness for now and my hold on him continues. After the battle between our powers we switch to physical battle. Though I have sworn to never harm another I realize that is an Idealist vow that cannot always be keep. After our training I pray for a few hours and prepare a meal. After dinner we again debate on the stance we will take in the coming battle Strygius is sure to come.Each day we repeat this the strength of Strygius's attacks, both spiritual and physical increase daily. Once, and only once he broke free of my power and scarred my body as a reminder.  Once, after training I asked Strygius why he killed the monks and devoured the nearby towns. He answered with a smile, " Because all living things embody sin, and I feed off of the Darkness of man's hearts. So you see, the reason I exist is to devour the sinful. And from that darkness I grow in strength. I am the embodiment of man's sin." When he explained that to me I understood what path I must take. I will eradicate the living who sow pain and suffering in their wake, and feed the darkness of their souls to Strygius. 

Re: The Beginning

9 Years Ago

Einasze: I could smell smoke and fire, then I awoke lying within my bed and saw that thin tendrils of oily black smoke were curling underneath the wooden door that led into my simple and rather spartan chambers in the monastery where I had been raised since I was an infant. I tossed back the thin wool blanket and tore open the door. I peered into the hallway and, to my horror, saw three of the monks that lived there burn alive, screaming for mercy from the Gods above, but none ever came. I turned back to my chambers, as fear began to nibble away at my heart and soul, swallowed into a fiery parched throat, and knelt down in front of my bed, opening a large oak chest. I withdrew a heavy great axe that had a fist sized emerald embedded within the base of the shaft and a large great sword that had a black sapphire embedded in the crossguard. I slung the sword over my shoulder and stepped out into the fray as a man in full platemail stepped around the corner and charged me, shortsword splattered with the gore of those he had slaughtered. I didn't even bother to think. I simply raised my axe and fought back, killing him quickly. Then I grabbed a passing monk and begged to know what had happened. She told me, just before an arrow pierced her heart through the back, that the king of the lands to which the monastery belonged had learned that a supposed demonic child lived there and he was determined to slaughter it and all those that had protected it. That child was me. Rage burned deep within my heart then; fiery anger that I dared not control, nor did I want to. I walked out onto the fields that surrounded my flaming home and looked for this would-be king to slaughter him like he had my family, but I could not find him. I took a blow to the head and, when I had come around, I was face to face with a black scaled dragon that was smiling at me. I held in my clawed hands my weapons and my robes were in tatters, covered in blood and gore. I had several lacerations on the chest and legs, but I ignored them. I called my new friend Coat'l Attor, simply because I could not correctly pronounce his actual name. He is an odd beast, for a dragon. He seems to prefer a good joke in payment for any service he might give to others rather than a ruby or a piece of silver or gold. We've been wandering through the world for four years now and I mostly try to keep to myself. Coat'l is a lightning dragon and he taught me how to conceal myself in darkness and even how to move from one place to another through the shadows that people or objects cast. We also met a young blond haired girl whose name is Kasumi. She's a warrior much like myself, but she's completely silent. In the three years that she and I have known each other, not once has she ever spoken to anyone about anything. She washed up on the banks of a river Coat'l Attor and I had been camping alongside of one summer day with four long arrows stuck in her back and two katana clutched in her bloodied and broken hands. We nursed the girl back to health and she's been with us ever since, though sometimes I wish she'd just go away or at least say something, anything, really. Coat'l tells us there is soon to be a war to come that may end all other wars and that Kasumi and I shall meet other dragon riders. I am not certain if I want to be around anyone else. I have an annoying habit of either scaring them half to death due to my appearance or frying them alive with balls of black and violet flames when I am seriously angered beyond all hope of control. of you would be willing to teach me the control I need to master the fiery heart within my breast? Though I should warn you all now, should my path ever cross that of the man that razed my home to its foundations and butchered my people like so many sheep and cattle, I will not hesitate to kill him, even if it means I shall go to my death as well.

Re: The Beginning

9 Years Ago

Carissa: I laugh as I dance around with the nymphs in the glade, enjoying myself. I sigh as Adalric pulls me gently but firmly away from them and nudges me towards his back "Aw, Adalric, you never let me have any fun!" I pretend to whine. He huffs "If anything I have let you have to much fun, youngling." He tells me, his voice sounding similar to rocks tumbling against each other. I smile "Admit it, you're a softie." He snorts in my face, making me cough "Just get on my back, it's time for training." I smile and do as he says. I make the ground raise until Im high enough and jump onto his back, the earth settling back to it's natural formation. I settle in and give him the all-clear. We take off and I grin, excited. It's a new day, and a new adventure awaits!

Re: The Beginning

9 Years Ago

Sweeney Lilac: I looked into the darkness of the forest,from the tree branch I was sitting on. I was cold and was waiting to join the dragon riders. Obvoiusly for the fame and money,not acctually fighting,I can't,they are fighing the family I came from. My dragon was flying amongst the trees and unlike some people,seemed not to have a care in the world. I smirked and layed my head on the tree. 
'I'll join them and fool them into to liking me.' I thought to myself. 'I will.'