The Wood Beyond The World : Forum : Open Microphone.

[no subject]

16 Years Ago


Just in case anyone has missed me, I was knocked off line on sunday the 29th by a very powerful electircal storm that passed directly over our neighborhood. Service has been spotty since, but I think that Verizon has finally fixed it where I can get on line.

To those who have sent me request, please be patient as I catch up. To those I have been reviewing, I look forward to getting back to the stories and reviews. It appears I have not missed much in way of topic's so I guess now was as good a time as any to crash.


[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Another FYI offer....

This reviewer is available to work with anyone in the group.

I was reviewing Bill and have caught up with him on what he has posted. He is now taking a break and will let me know when to jump back in.

Andy was the next victim...ahhh, writer on my list that I review, and I have caught up with Andy and waiting for his replies and such on where to go next.

Scribs...I am anxiously awaiting more from...anxiously.

Leah,...also waiting for an invitation on where and what to start on again, if needed as you know already what I think, but may want a fresh look on the edited versions. I am unsure so I await your directions.

As to the rest of the group, I am willing to work with anyone who has work posted in chapters and wants someone to review chapter by chapter and discuss the work. Just send me an invitation.

Otherwise, I am working on my final edits of my own work on book 1, revising book 2, which needs a lot of work, and working on my query letters and synopsys, which I hope to start submitting in sept.

Best of luck and health to all,

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