The Wood Beyond The World : Forum : Recommended Research Books

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

Originally posted by Loekie
I have taken Adam's most excellent advice:

This is definitely for another thread, maybe we can cut and paste this over to the sex thread?

and done so. So Adam, and others who are interested, I've responded to Adam's points and we can continue the discussion there and leave this thread on books. I hope! ::biggrin::

good call! :)

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

Wouldn't quite call it a research book but do have a suggested read for anyone seeking a book that demonstrates how to be interesting and exciting without being sexual or violent. Some of you have probably read it but the book is called 'Double Star' it's written by the sci-fi great Robert Heinlein (one of his four hugo winners). I recommend this one because it goes into rather good detail with it's main character and shows you a lot of the nuances of him without using much action at all for the most part.

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