The Wood Beyond The World : Forum : group defribillator

group defribillator

16 Years Ago

maybe it's been in the making, and perhaps it has been my own preoccupation with my own work, as we all understand, but i think it is time i give you all some friggin reviews. I know who i owe in particular. but i'm specifically out of ideas as to who comes first.

I've writtena nd written and sheesh, to my own disgust i've writtent he uttermost s**t these days. but i'll post another, so with that done, and "thank the gods," any of my characters might basically say, i'm ready to give some reviews. i want to.

because i liek the wood, and by golly, i liek seeing it active.
We've had a s**t-ton of forum ideas and conversations and it may seemliekly that we've burned something out. Or, as i see, it, talked enough so that we;ve got a lot of writing to do. i can't imagine a group of people talkig about the kinds of things we've discussed and not a single one of them seizing the inspiration to write like mutha-f****s.

so i i think it's time to read and listen. my turn.
so who's first?

[no subject]

16 Years Ago


Good to see you're alive and kicking. Yes, being preoccupied with our own work, writing and real life stuff can keep us away from the Wood, but we are never far in reality. I think once summer is over and many of us are back to our normal routines, the Wood will see more action.

As to suggestions on who to read first, I am getting ready to pull my work down. Many reasons but mostly because I have been reading opinions on having stuff floating around in cyber space while submitting to agents who will search. But you know, you can never truly get rid of it because of the way back program that goes deep than google. As I found out on urbis, even if I have pulled something down, if I wanted to rereview a previous review I got from a down piece, I could still pull it up from the reviewers files, and on urbis, that was a lot of people reviewing. Most of which were pretty bad reviews in quality.

I know that Scribs is working on putting some new stuff up and might apprecitate a fresh set of eyes. Bill is pretty busy these day with personal stuff, but reviewing him might bring a bit of joy to his eyes. Leah, always has a ton of stuff in the pipe line that she is working on and I know she is looking for additional comments on her revised stuff. Andy has the full first part up of his work up if you want to review a full section and stay with it. Our new member Elise has some wonderful works up. Loekie is Maybe reviewing him will bring him back. CD has been burnt out but says he'll be back in the fall...we hope. His works are very good, even his poetry...and I hate poetry. lol.

I would say look around, find something you enjoy and go with whatever floats your boat. After all, reviewing should be a joy too and not a task because you feel you owe anyone anything.

I hope you find something you like and look forward to getting you on my list again once I finish with a few other people.


[no subject]

16 Years Ago


If I should be the lucky one you chose to review, by all means feel free to look at my complete oeuvre as represented on my profile page. I've got the big one, True Minds, up there from prologue through Chapter Fourteen. Bits and pieces of the smaller one, Of Two Minds, also present. Even have a few chapters of the third book, Compelling the Demon, represented. (Bill says I'm a writing fool.)

I'm fixin' to be back full force by September, as school schedules settle down and my husband gets his fill of medical advice.