The Wood Beyond The World : Forum : agent submission

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agent submission

16 Years Ago

Wish me luck... I've just sent Servant off to another agent.


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16 Years Ago

Oh, I do wish you luck!  I'm going through the same process right now, and it is no fun!  If you'd like another pair of eyes to look at you query letter or whatever, just send me a holler.


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16 Years Ago

Best of luck. I'll keep you in my thoughts.

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16 Years Ago

You and your work are in my thoughts and prayers, Gayna.

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16 Years Ago

Good luck Gayna!
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[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Thanks everyone and good luck to you too Jeanie. I'll let you know when I hear something.


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[no subject]

16 Years Ago

What agent? Inquiring minds.....

Good Luck! My fingers are crossed!

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[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Originally posted by reb

What agent? Inquiring minds.....

Good Luck! My fingers are crossed!

I am trying Australian agents. There are not many and so many either do not accept fantasy or are not taking new clients at the moment.

I feel like a fish in a small pond during a drought. With every rejection the pond gets a little bit smaller.

I suspect Bill is right. A series will not sell as a first book. That's why I am writing a stand alone children/YA novel at the moment. It's a lot shorter than a series but I am setting up the world so if it sells and does well I can base another book (or ten) within the same world, although not necessarily with the same characters.
