The Wood Beyond The World : Forum : Happy birthdays

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16 Years Ago

Say, I guess it's true -- life begins at 50!



[no subject]

16 Years Ago



You're not 50 yet, but not long to go now.  And then you'll have matured enough that I'll be able to catch you and have my way.  Move over boys, I'm Taurus come to town.

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Oh oh competition... Taurus huh?   Well lets not forget who is King of the jungle.  


[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Well, I'm a Scorpio, known for passion and good sized stingers (opening the door for Nick).

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

This started as a very nice happy birthday to two lovely ladies of a certain age, and look where you guys have dragged it. 





[no subject]

16 Years Ago

All in good fun milady...all in good fun.  



With no catchy phrase...

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

I know, dear Nick -- and I think it has something to do with spring being in the air.

Y'all get it our of your systems, okay?


Love you all, though.  ;-)

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Phew! A Scorpio AND Leo in the house?! (or Woods I should say lol)


*reaslisation dawns on this innocent Gemini*


..... no wonder....!

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[no subject]

16 Years Ago

And, apparently, there are a healthy number of Aries's in the house, as well. They're the best, whoo hoo!


I am sending many wishes for a happy birthday to Leah today, as I will be in the air flying tomorrow. Have a wonderful day, and do just what you want!

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Being a Libra, I'm trying to weigh all this out, and come up with a response that won't offend anybody and will make everyone laugh and will make everyone happy and bring about world peace and end bad hair days and- -   Oh, God, the pressure's too much.  I'll have to get back with you, once I've regained my balance.

Gee, I hope that didn't hurt anybody's feelings. . . .


[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Yeah, I suppose spring is in the air, leading some of the men to become silly. I know spring has finally arrived here in Montreal and we are bouncing about like little children after the long, long, long, long (you get the point) winter. I am just bubbling with energy and joy.

For me, what makes the Wood so unique is that we can have the fun we do. Especially Nick and myself. We are two naughty boys that some times Leah has to hose down or bring out that chair & whip (still waiting).

For the newer members, don't feel intimidated. Join in. The Irish have this thing about slagging - "insulting" someone. They only do it amongst friends. Which many of us here are now. Deep discussions are great but I'm an imp. Or maybe an impette, making Nick the imp. I stopped counting how many times, after a long, hard day, coming here and first getting a laugh to wash away the stress and then something to think about so my mind shift gears. That to me is why I am here, lurking about the flora and fauna of the Wood.

And remember, it takes more muscles to frown than to smile! And stay tuned, tomorrow we have another birthday!!!

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Originally posted by reb

And, apparently, there are a healthy number of Aries's in the house, as well. They're the best, whoo hoo!


I am sending many wishes for a happy birthday to Leah today, as I will be in the air flying tomorrow. Have a wonderful day, and do just what you want!

Just what I want, huh?  I'll have to go to confession for sure.....

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Originally posted by jakelsen

Being a Libra, I'm trying to weigh all this out, and come up with a response that won't offend anybody and will make everyone laugh and will make everyone happy and bring about world peace and end bad hair days and- -   Oh, God, the pressure's too much.  I'll have to get back with you, once I've regained my balance.

Gee, I hope that didn't hurt anybody's feelings. . . .



[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Thanks, Zuri, m' pal.  Just a small glimpse into the terrifying place that is my psyche. Glad you enjoyed it.



[no subject]

16 Years Ago

what would taurus season be without a sizable sortee of allergens to greet the fine membranes of one's sinuses: i'm getting my a*s kicked over here in Albany.

Happy belated, Leah. Taurians are interesting peoples with the capacity for a high-ended spiritual sensibilityy and a disasterous taste for luxurious materials. I ind myself going throuogh long spiritual periods, and then closing them up with a good bottle of wine or a needless romp through H&M.

Loekie -- A Scorpio! Man, just like my uncle. everyone in my family has said since my childhood that i remind them of my uncle, thus pegging me to a self-fulfilling prophecy. It 's strange. I never meet scorpio men, as if they are all in secret.

Does everyone know about the 13th zodiac sign? Between Scorpio and Sag (i think) Ophiucus

i think it is awesome. a 13th zodiac that's been there the whole time (arbitrary or not) but hasn't opened into dominant consciousness of the modern astrological world.

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Cool!  How edge-uh-mah-kay-shun-al.  I learned something today, so now I can relax.



[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Does everyone know about the 13th zodiac sign? Between Scorpio and Sag (i think) Ophiucus

I'm not surprised since many cultures have a problem with the number 13. The number 12 is more dominate, look the the 12 apostles.

Well, Adam, one has to be careful with either Scorpio men or women. We are very passionate but if you cross the line with us, you get quite a nasty surprise. All the Scorpios I know, including myself, it takes a lot to piss us off but when you do, run. The Klingon adage: "Revenge is a dish best served cold." fits Scorpios. We will patiently wait to get our revenge. A dark side of me I don't particularly like but I'm working on it.

And we aren't hiding or a cabal. We lurk about the shadows looking for innocent people to pounce on. Hee-hee. Have to run, just saw a juicy morsel......

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

I enjoy allowing stories of mystery and academic controversy haunt my thoughts. If Jesus had twelve disciples, was Jesus then the 13th at his last supper? (Has anyone read the Gospels of Judas? this is a legit scroll carbon dated and authenticated to be the lost scriptures of Judas and surprisingly the church denies them. Look it up.)

There is also the case of Loki, ahem, who stormed the dinner at Valhalla uninvited and sat as the 13th guest.

13 is a powerful number for pagans and probably the reason christianity despises the number so much. I think it is an after thought that Judas got the brand on that number.

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