The Wood Beyond The World : Forum : Hello!


16 Years Ago

Honey I'm home!

LOL  my @#$%^&* computer was on the fritz for awhile  turned out to be the fan burned out..  so now I am back in business again.. And when I get through all the  sundry chores around here I may even have time to write


Oh and re birthdays.. I will be 70 in june..  and I dont feel a day over 6.... grin


Kathy B

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Missed you, Kathy.  Glad you're back!


[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Glad you are back.

Ah, the key to age is how young you feel. As I've said before "I refuse to grow up!"

Any time anyone asked me how old I am, I respond: "Physically, mentally, emotionally, psychologically?" Guaranteed to generate a reaction.

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Originally posted by Loekie

Glad you are back.

Ah, the key to age is how young you feel. As I've said before "I refuse to grow up!"

Any time anyone asked me how old I am, I respond: "Physically, mentally, emotionally, psychologically?" Guaranteed to generate a reaction.

Ah a man after my own  heart..  I refuse to grow up too..  I wont even consider a second childhood until I am through my first one..  <grin>

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Glad you're back, Kathy!

Adam peeked in too.  (And now I have to figure out the exact date of his birthday.)

I'm on the cusp of that fire/earth thing -- closer to the fire.

I love all you guys!  We're all young, beautiful, and brilliant in my estimation.