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The Wood Beyond The World : Forum : New Member, Amanda

New Member, Amanda

15 Years Ago

I've just officially invited Amanda to The Wood.

Post greetings here please, Amanda and everyone else.


I'll bump the so-called rules and all that stuff. (Quiet in the peanut gallery, Loekie and Nick.)

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

Amanda, as you can see from "How will the Wood grow" you can add up to two items of your work to the new work list on the group home page whenever you wish.  If you have a book you want to show off, just add the book once, and every chapter will be available through the home page link.

I encourage sending read requests to group members if you want reviews.  Some of us are really dedicated reviewers, and always strive to be helpful.

Apart from that, the forum can be lots of fun and informative too. You might enjoy reading some of the older threads -- revive them if you wish.


And welcome to The Wood.

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

I look forward to hearing what Amanda  likes to read and write.


May she have an enjoyable romp through our Wood.

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

Romping is much fun!


I'm excited to be a member of this group! Fantasy fiction is one of my favorite genres to write! Hopefully I'll have some intriguing stories up soon. Thanks for the warm welcome!



[no subject]

15 Years Ago



Welcome to the Woods,

Sometimes its quiet,

Sometimes noisy,

Sometimes its heated.

But in the Woods,

You will always find,

A cool breeze,

Shelter and substanance,

A gentle log to rest on,

And friends to share.


Looking forward to your thoughts,


[no subject]

15 Years Ago

Welcome Amanda! Glad to have another new member.
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[no subject]

15 Years Ago

Welcome to the wood, Amanda. It will be nice to have another sapling among the mature trees.  I'm a middle aged tuart surrounded by seedlings and a family of possums fighting in my branches and a kookaburra laughing at me.

The Wood can get a little gloomy but it's always encouraging and never lonely.

Happy writing.


[no subject]

15 Years Ago

lol! I guess then that I am a single Choisya bush located in a field of shrubs, with butterflies flying all around and in me, and I sit and sing, wondering if I'll ever grow into the beautiful trees that my friends and family have become. A fairy visits me sometimes and sits with me, taking in the orange-y smell of my white, starlet flowers.

=D That was fun!

I did some research for it of course. ^-^

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

The Wood, gloomy? Pshah! But welcome, Amanda. You will find some interesting people lurking in this Wood.

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

Originally posted by Amanda

lol! I guess then that I am a single Choisya bush located in a field of shrubs, with butterflies flying all around and in me, and I sit and sing, wondering if I'll ever grow into the beautiful trees that my friends and family have become. A fairy visits me sometimes and sits with me, taking in the orange-y smell of my white, starlet flowers.

=D That was fun!

I did some research for it of course. ^-^

I'm one of the butterflies of course. A brilliant yellow, baby blue and sugar pink one :p

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

Originally posted by Zuri Amma

I'm one of the butterflies of course. A brilliant yellow, baby blue and sugar pink one :p

=D I imagine that you come often to visit my pretty white flowers. ^-^

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

Welcome, Amanda.  The folks here in the Wood are nice, and hardly ever bite.
