The Writers' Coffeehouse : Forum : hello

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12 Years Ago

does anyone feel uncomfortable about posting their work on line?
does anyone feel disconnected when reading another person's work?
i do  i do.
i wish i could just jump in and interact but it never seems to happen.
for myself, i need to pry away the protective shell but i don't see it and don't know where it is.
anyone here who would like to interact with me, might find more than the "nothing" i tend to show
then, if i read someone else's work, i will be able to touch it and be touched by it rather than be the pebble that just happened to roll by.  i have my own work too after all
so interacting must be the way to go
if this makes sense, 
then by all means, please do

Re: hello

12 Years Ago

I did at first because what I put on paper comes from a piece of my soul. Sometimes, I don't want the world to see it because well, its me, not everyone understands me. Some will criticize me. Me, my fragile soul that only longs to have her voice heard. 

As for the disconnection thing, not for me. As I read someone else's work, I see a part of them and a part of who they are from the words they type to their author's note that says something quirky or intellectual, perhaps nothing at all. 

Not everyone is sociable, but there are some on this site. Im pretty sociable, though.