The Writers' Coffeehouse : Forum : Tips for Book Signing Events

Tips for Book Signing Events

12 Years Ago

So, far i've had two book signing events with another scheduled for November 4th.  The first was located at a boutique and with it being the first, I really didn't know what to expect.  No books were sold to customers of the boutique, just those we personally invited to come out.  The second was at a retail store that had a huge book section.  We sold one book to a customer of the store and the others to people we personally invited.  So, at this point, I'm trying to figure out what we are not doing in order to do it and sell books to customers outside of personal contacts.   I've made a few notes and hopefully this will help you in your current or future book signings.   
1. Decorate your table, preferably with colors or items that represent your book.
2. Smile and greet potential buyers
3. Invite them over to share your story

1. Don't allow anyone the opportunity to just thumb through your book, wrinkling the pages with no expectations to buy.
2. Don't just sit at the table.  Get up, walk around, talk with the potential customers

Debra Walters