The fallen : Forum : F**k it

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F**k it

10 Years Ago

You probably won't read this, but I'm kind of just falling apart inside. I've kind of stopped caring, so I've become more open and speaking my mind a lot more. I'm kind of telling people off now. 
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Re: F**k it

10 Years Ago

well that's kinda good hun that you are speaking up for yourself! but i know it's hard to care but yeah s**t just happens don't worry
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Re: F**k it

10 Years Ago

its good your sticking up for yourself grey im here if you wanna talk
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Re: F**k it

10 Years Ago

*hugs* I know what you mean. I'm going through something kinda similar. I'm here if you ever want to talk.
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Re: F**k it

10 Years Ago

It's good that you've stopped caring about what people think, but please be careful not to stop caring for people. Because once you start becoming apathetic, it's hard to stop it and even more so to reverse it. I can honestly say, if it comes down to being numb or to feeling pain (and I mean emotionally....) than I would choose pain. Because the pain will fade and hope and joy eventually comes through. Numbness, makes you feel empty and it never goes. It stays the same. Through "good" and "bad" times. It's horrible. And I hope none of you ever get to the point where you think it's best not to feel instead of dealing with what ever issues you may be facing. This isn't coming from someone who had it easy, this is someone speaking who was so broken up inside that she discarded all emotion for nearly half of her life just because she couldn't handle it all. This is coming from someone who's been to that point and didn't know how to find a way out.....until something came a'knocking to destroy that wall.

Just please be careful....and choose wisely on who you may be telling off.