The fallen : Forum : Tips

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10 Years Ago

I just started this. If you want to just want to end everything, write it down. And I mean everything, the good and the bad. Anything and everything that pops to mind, write it down. Even words or names people have called you, like stupid or fat or something, and just write it down. When you can't think of anything else to write down, read it aloud. Decipher good from bad. Then, start writing. Make a poem. Make a story. Make a book. Make a song. Make a screenplay. Make something. Whatever works for you. When you finish it, you will feel better, I promise. If you don't want to write, put the energy and words to other use. Make somebody smile. Do something. Accomplish something, even something as small as putting the laundry away or cleaning your room. You may still be sad, but this does help. 
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Re: Tips

10 Years Ago

This is very true. Writing it all down and making a poem out of it helped me through the toughest of times.