The night of the vampire (Role play) : Forum : Living room

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Re: Living room

10 Years Ago

Chase- I'm about to get up to help when I notice Laurel move. I grab her hand, trying to stop her. The girl was a newborn and too strong. But Laurel jerked her hand free.---Laurel- Keira was surprised when I was able to push her off of Hunter. But I didn't pin her down. "Before you attack why don't you try to listen!" I say. "Hunter was doing what some vampires do. It's an instinct to play predator and prey for us. When we hunt, we can't help but let control us. Even I do it." She starts to move but I force back down with all my strength, pinning her down with my leg. "Look you are who you are now! There's no changing it because I've tried. Killing him won't make a difference. Besides like I said other vampires do what he did. Are you going to go after them too? I really doubt it. It just won't make a difference. What will is if you stop this and just try to live this life." I say and release her from under my leg. I go back to sit down, watching her as she sits for a moment.
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Re: Living room

10 Years Ago

Hunter: I watch as the girl smiles "Well, at least one of you knows how to think." she gets up "Tell me, why do you think I'm trying to kill him?"
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Re: Living room

10 Years Ago

Chase- I cut in. "It's obvious isn't it? Your trying to kill him because he transformed you into a vampire, something you don't want to be. Am I right?" I ask
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Re: Living room

10 Years Ago

Hunter: She laughs "I mean, what gave you the idea that I am trying to kill him?" She looks at me with disdain "I wouldn't waste my time on killing him, someone just as idiotic and aggravating would just show up later." she smiles "I'm simply teaching him a lesson."
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Re: Living room

10 Years Ago

Chase- "Well you can't really blame us for thinking that you were gonna kill him. You are a newborn after all and they are unpredictable sometimes. I guess we just didn't know what you were going to do."
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Re: Living room

10 Years Ago

Hunter: she shrugs "If he gives me to much more blood, then I might just kill him." I laugh "Good luck with that." she gives me an icy glare "Thanks, I'll be sure to remember that next time I have my hands around your neck."
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Re: Living room

10 Years Ago

Wendy: I cough; my throat, it burns! "If no one is going to drink that," I point to the bottle, my voice lower than usual, the voice of a monster, "Give it to me."
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Re: Living room

10 Years Ago

Hunter: I pick up the bottle and toss it to her "Here, we don't need two insane, blood-thirsty chicks going nuts."
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Re: Living room

10 Years Ago

Chase- I laugh. "Well there can be some debate about that." I say to Hunters statement.----Laurel- "Oh brother..." I say rolling my eyes.
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Re: Living room

10 Years Ago

Wendy: I take the bottle and swallow the blood in one gulp. "Thanks," I throw the empty bottle on the table, feeling calm again.
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Re: Living room

10 Years Ago

Hunter: I laugh at Chase's statement "I must admit, they can be entertaining."
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Re: Living room

10 Years Ago

Chase- I laugh then take notice of Laurel staring at me, frustrated with what I said. "Lighten up Laurel. We're just joking." I say throwing one of the pillows at her.----Laurel- I catch the pillow and lay it on my lap. I merely shake my head and turn to look out the window
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Re: Living room

10 Years Ago

Hunter: I look over at the girl, about to say something, but notice that she's passed out again. "Well, these fainting spells aren't very good for conversations." I say dryly
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Re: Living room

10 Years Ago

Wendy: "I can fix that," I say and crack my knuckles, grinning from ear to ear, "Want me to wake her up?"

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