Underground Writers Network : Forum : Relentless


9 Years Ago

Relentless I can feel the interrum. It's at the very edge of a cliff. My blood is racing through my veins. My heart is heavy and stiff. I didn't expect this. Not for one second. Sometimes I really resent life's lessons. I love the rise. Detest the recessions. The suspense is relentless. It's cruel and pretentious. I can hear the irony ringing in my ears. It tries to sing its theme song loud and clear. I didn't expect this. Not for one second. Sometimes I really resent life's lessons. I love the rise. Detest the recessions. Life's not fair. But life really doesn't care. The truth will never be less than true. You either live life or let it live you. The suspense is relentless. It's cruel and pretentious. I can hear the irony ringing in my ears. It tries to sing its theme song loud and clear. This time, it knows its words won't be heard.